79 replies, Replies 61 to 70

What song do you have stuck in your head?

I found the guitar tabs.


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I had the exact same issue a few years ago. I was starting to wonder if I had bladder cancer or diabetes. Finally I saw a doctor and it was a urinary tract infection. He put me on Cipro or Amoxicillin (I can't remember which) for two weeks. After a few days everything was back to normal.

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How do you find your purpose in life?

I am thinking maybe get involved in a Kickstarter project like this or start your own based on your unique expertise:

"A self-sustainable lunar base that will be launched by 2022."


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Let's post some funny videos!!!

worst fight scene


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Anxiety to the point of getting sick.

Mindfullness meditation may be helpful also. It is very similar to the advice Orchid gives.

You basically practice being present for a few minutes a day. During this time, you can just sit and focus on your breath. Distractions and anxious "what-if" thoughts about past and future will come into your consciousness. You simply observe them and then return your focus to your breath. That is about it. It is actually really hard to do, so just start with a few minutes per day.

I'm actually not very good at it, but would like to get better. Here is a link:

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Have people forgotten how to respectfully disagree?

A fight is more entertaining than a respectful disagreement. That is why tweets and headlines use words like "slams" or "blasts" even when two people simply disagree. Its all about the clicks.

It is a social media trend - if you search Google News for the word "slams" on any given day you will find about ten articles for that day alone.

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If you want to befriend someone of the opposite gender and don't want to seem "interested", how?

Refer to them as "buddy" or "sis". Tell them about other people you find attractive.

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What is your favorite planet?

Earth. Reasonable temps plus a nice mix of water and land.

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When did the world become black and white?

Dualistic thinking is a product of language. All languages contain terms for black and white. Languages with three terms for color also include red. In english-speaking countries, I think most children learn eleven colors: white, black, red, green, yellow, blue, brown, purple, pink, orange and gray. If they have crayons, maybe they learn about others like turquoise, chartreuse, teal, maroon, lavender, magenta, gold, etc.

If you are talking politics, the reason it is so black and white is because the language is dualistic: left/right, democrat/republican, liberal/conservative. There are others like libertarian or anarchist, but most things focus on the two. Alternative would be a system like the meyers briggs for personality types. There are four separate spectrums so you end up with 16 different personality types. It seems like a lot, but if children are capable of learning 11 colors then adults can handle it. If we had 12 or 16 unique words to describe political leanings then the conversations would be a lot different.

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What can I do on the internet?

Pick a country you know nothing about... like Eritrea. Then spend an hour doing a low-orbit fly-over via Google Earth.

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