218 replies, Replies 131 to 140

Any ideas for how to counter mob mentality?

I think the best way to get people to rethink their values is to live your own. I've never been very influenced by anybody trying to get me to change my mind, it's really the ones who are just happily living their lives, paying attention to what truly matters to them.

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Why are many young people proclaiming their bipolar?

It's really great that there's work being done to remove stigma around mental illness including removing blame from the victim, all of that is positive, however it seems like people get all offended when you suggest there are some really simple things that a person can do to improve their mental health. I know from experience of changing my attitude and lifestyle and basically concluding that for a lot of us, depression is a choice. Sue me!

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Why are many young people proclaiming their bipolar?

I think a lot (not all) of metal instability comes from stress and lack of exercise and eating the wrong stuff and other things like that. It's ridiculous to me that people think mental issues are indepentant of physical circumstances.

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It is to no ones credit or ego to feel an intellectual edge when living in a dumbed down society.

Good point! Also, something that my boyfriend said the other day is that hating something doesn't make you superior, but most people (including me) sometimes act like it does!

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Ever notice that cannibals are always painted in a bad light in movies?


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Ever notice that cannibals are always painted in a bad light in movies?

The IT crowd had a cute episode about a cannibal that painted them pretty fairly!

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Sometimes I miss when it was bad.

I think that kind of attitude is supported by a lot in our society, 13 reasons why being a prime example. Ultimately it's so incredibly harmful to everyone though, not just you. I think as you get stronger like you are now, you make the people around you stronger and safer too, and that's important. It's easy to wallow and reinforce depression with sad music and personal drama or self hateful thoughts, and hard to escape, but so so worth it. You might miss some of the attention, that's totally understandable, but you'll come to realize that it wasn't the right kind of attention, it's like how you can feed your body with junk food to stay alive or eat your veggies.

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Oh yay, a chance to quote Douglas Adams! “A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”

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What I would do to build the Help community.

That’s a really great idea, I never use Instagram, but that’s smart.

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Recent discovery about myself.

What you said about fear made a lot of sense to me, it looks like from what you said up there that you’re insecure about a lot of things. Maybe if you build your self esteem you’ll feel more whole and strong to let the world judge you however they want. Honestly, working on self esteem or self love through external things like exercising more and getting a new job can give you a big boost, but it comes from the inside, your own thoughts. So first thing to do is be nice to yourself: positive thoughts, even if they seem too good to be true, and holding yourself accountable: you got to know when you’re avoiding your life out of fear and acknowledge it whether you’re strong enough to face it yet or not. If you keep being nice to yourself you will be strong enough eventually.

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