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open discussion: not refering to personal situations..

but in general how do you feel about the way things are now a days?

is it really that bad? If so what is it?

if there were a period in our past timeline when would you rather be in and why? :)

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feel, bad, days, period, timeline
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I think manners these days are appalling.!
The amount of times you hold a door for someone or some other token gesture and they don't say thanks.

In shops, the cashier doesn't say hello, then just announced the price without a please.

(23 hours after post)
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BuckingFastard(JN) wrote:
I think manners these days are appalling.!
The amount of times you hold a door for someone or some other token gesture and they don't say thanks.

In shops, the cashier doesn't say hello, then just announced the price without a please.

is chivalry really dead?

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(1 day after post)
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Yorick wrote:

BuckingFastard(JN) wrote:
I think manners these days are appalling.!
The amount of times you hold a door for someone or some other token gesture and they don't say thanks.

In shops, the cashier doesn't say hello, then just announced the price without a please.

is chivalry really dead?

Maybe, but the appreciation of it seems to be on it's last legs.

Drawn log viking 19
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Yorick wrote:
is chivalry really dead?

I hate to be a pain here, but chivalry died the moment jousting did. (It was a unwritten set of rules and mannerisms between combatants) Gallantry however appears to be quickly dying out as well. Though this is not exclusively men's fault. More often than not as of late when i try to do what I've been raised to do (keep doors open for others, help others up, volunteer to assist to carry heavy stuff. You know, all the cliches) i get met with damning looks or flat out accusations of harassment, which makes it hard to not grow fully bitter quickly.

Not a single thank you in the past two years is really beginning to take effect. I've not had bad experiences with cashiers over here, they all seem friendly (to me at least).

Generally speaking though, the reason i'm still here is A: I have family that depends on me and B: Nature can be breathtakingly beautiful. I am however quickly losing all interest and care in humanity, it's hard to put the finger on the exact sore spot but people just seem more distant and distrustful, even just flat out mean/spiteful to one another than before.

Still though in regards to said humanity, and society... i honestly think this is in a deeply ill state at the moment. I hope it'll heal someday again.

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The world is a vampire

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Oh but I wouldn’t want to live in a different time period bc I do appreciate my rights, so yeah

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I agree with Araz. I appreciate my rights and modern conveniences. Also advanced medical technology is great. I had Radial Keratotomy (precursor to Lasik) in 1992 and had better than perfect vision (20/15) til about a year ago. Now it's 20/40, so it's not awful....and I need reading glasses yuck

But people are assholes these days. No doubt about it. People care far less for others, property, feelings, and even themselves than they used to, I think. Part of it is the almighty dollar.

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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We live in the best time!

Dont let other people piss you off. Their behaviour should never affect yours. Yes its nice to get a 'how is your day' etc when at the checkout, but as a Brit, i have heard so so many people complain about the american cheeriness of it.

and to be fair, i have had a few lovely cashiers at ASDA who love a good chat, as long as the chat doesnt slow down service then its fine.

i think a lot of people focus on the negative, and not the wonderful things that are going on. the developments in dementia, cancer treatment, mental health.

equality is getting better, technology is amazing. we are leaping forward at break neck speed.

appreciate that you can be anyone you want in this world now. you dont need to know people to make it big. you wanna be a singer? its easier than ever. want to be a billionaire? of course you can, you dont even need a degree, or money behind you. you no longer need to go to oxford or yale.

information is at your finger tips, the only limit is your imagination

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Children no longer play in the yard (or outside, for that matter). Everyone is inside. Cool and dark with the exception of the blue screen glow....
It's all about the screen. You only matter when seen through a screen. We couldn't have this communication without it, true, but, if we were five feet from each other we still wouldn't be able to communicate without it.
Also, the bells, whistles and tweets. You know...sit, stand, beg, roll over, run, stop, like a good dog.
Yes, yes, lets talk about drug addicts, but....you can't seem to stop peeking at your goddamm screen.
A house burnt down, the devastating cries, but you sound no different after having misplaced or outright lost your phone.
The wisdom of never placing all your eggs in one basket - gone. Only my desire to thresh more tears from you for your inability to see a larger picture.
Recieving the Mark of the Beast into your sold out soul isn't going stop you from resisting the Mark of the Beast.....
"Oh, I just -"
All with abundant apathy.

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Nix wrote:
We live in the best time!

I totally agree. There are a few upsetting changes and challenges, but I think things are better for more people than in any point in history, and not just because there are more people now than ever. There’s better medical care, less war and premature death, more freedom to choose whatever kind of life you want to live. I think people are better off in most every way except that they are ungrateful because it’s so easy to take life for granted when you don’t have to struggle to survive. That’s just an attitude though, I think there’s so much wisdom about how to live better out there that anyone who really wants to can find a happier, healthier life or attitude about life at least.

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