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Last night at midnight

I ran off.
I went down a road I was unfamiliar on purpose

Then I called Crisis, Dominic answered, hes the most fair.
I called him because I needed someone to talk to while I died for support cause its scary

It was dark and I couldnt see.
I started and he tried to get the police to find me.

I dropped my razor in the dark and couldnt find it so i wasnt able to finish. I I that.

Copes eventually were able to find me
I seen them swarmed at moms house
This upset me

All the cops were very kind but they asked me to sit down and keep my hands were they can see them.
I did
A cop asked if I had weapons I told him I lost it
He searched by shorts pockets.

They asked me to stay down till the ambulance got there
When the ambulance got there they helped me get in.

Did the normal stuff
In the light I was very sad to see how my wounds were so small. In the dark blood covered my hands arms and legs
It dropped down to my feet
I could feel it. But yet it was weak cuts.

In the hospital they made me undress infront a lady which I usually have a problem withm
But I tried to he as modest as possible.. and cover as much as I could while changing.

Into the throw away scrub cops watched me with the door open.
Dominic came to talk with me
Then after a long while they cleaned and stuff they had a student do it which was fine but he took a long time.

I wanted to go home finish the job or try again ir if I'm gonna live be home with my animals.

Then dominic told me he said I was not allowed to return home its just NOT happening.

He said my sister loves me and is willing to take responsibility for me and try to keep me safe for the weekend.

If I refuse they will put me under emergency detention

I said big deal.
He said the place you previously went probably will not take you.
I said why bevause I snuck a razor in? He says he dont know but the real reason is I've already been under emergency detention twice and next time I'm going to somewhere else.

He gave me the name I dont remember.
I said so what.
He said you will be there a long time

To which I replied
At the hospital the nurses told me the longest ANYONE has ever been there is 2 weeks I know that it is RARE for anyone to be there more than a week. I'd be out in a day.

He said at this place your more likely to be there 6 months
No short releases. It's a long term facility.

So I agreed to be with my sister for a weekened...

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last online: 11/28, 9:31
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Would it be such a bad thing if you were in a facility getting the help you need?

I hope being with your sister helps.

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(3 hours after post)
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Nix wrote:
Would it be such a bad thing if you were in a facility getting the help you need?

I hope being with your sister helps.

I have pets so I cant go away

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Happy earth
(8 hours after post)
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Nevermind wrote:

I have pets so I cant go away

But you tried to leave them? If you are dead or if you are in a care facility, who will take care of your animals? I think you should get treatment, even if it has to be residential. I'm not convinced that residential treatment centers help, but maybe they will and then you can return to your pets.

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(23 hours after post)
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Going home early I'm angry because my cat is injured she says.

Happy birthday I guess.

(2 days after post)
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Why do you care your cat is injured? You tried to abandon it.

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DragonLady wrote:
Why do you care your cat is injured? You tried to abandon it.

I never abandoned him. I have a safety plan for him
My cats are not domestics. They arnt hard to find good homes for but I have a plan set to for each and every animal if I die.
I dont expect you to understand.

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I sincerely hope you receive the help you need. We are praying for your recovery.

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(2 days after post)
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If you kill yourself at home, your pets will see you do it, or find you dead.
If you're there a while and the animals start to eat you, they will get put down for sure, and even if they don't say you, they won't understand what dead is.

Happy earth
(2 days after post)
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Nevermind wrote:
I never abandoned him. I have a safety plan for him
My cats are not domestics. They arnt hard to find good homes for but I have a plan set to for each and every animal if I die.
I dont expect you to understand.

You've been thinking about dying for a long time. You've had a very difficult life. But the fact that you love and care for these animals makes me think you should have a safety plan for you. Someone so full of love for helpless creatures is definitely worth saving.

Make a plan for your animals, and then get the medical care that you need.

(3 days after post)
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Clearly, your safety plan for him didn't work. You were in the hospital for a short time, and he was injured.

If were dead, you wouldn't even know he was injured, so you would have no way of making sure he received any kind of care or attention.

I'm not trying to be harsh here. I hope it's obvious, but I certainly don't want you to kill yourself, and if having these pets helps give you a reason to keep living, that's great.

But if you're just hell bent on dying, please find forever homes for your pets first. Otherwise, you have no idea what terrible fate may befall them.

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