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Dog sitting a dog that’s afraid of everything :(

It takes hours to get her out of her crate and if there’s anyone outside she freaks out and won’t poo or pee. Any advice? Poor dog, she must’ve been abused (she’s a rescue).

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Araz edited this post .

Dog sitting a dog that’s afraid of everything :( ¬ ¬ It takes hours to get her out of her crate and Ifif there’s anyone outside she freaks out and won’t poo or perpee. Any advice? Poor dog, she must’ve been abused (she’s a rescue).

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
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All I can suggest luv is try to entice him with food/treats.

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Love. The more love it receives it will learn to love back. Give it lots along with time.
Thank you for being a responsible pet owner.
Even Help-Bot stopped in to wish you a Merry Christmas. LOL

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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For some reason, dogs like to hear, "Such a good dog!"

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Sherlock wrote:
For some reason, dogs like to hear, "Such a good dog!"

So does our current POTUS...

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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"Such a good Pres!"

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Sherlock wrote:
"Such a good Pres!"

He likes to hear it.

Doesn't make it true....

4be8c2d8 78e3 4f52 8977 21b6cc47a3ee
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I’ve been showering her with praise and treats. She’s still afraid - it will probably take her some time to warm up to us.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
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Usually if they have been a rescue dog they can tend to be over anxious. I've had mine for 3 years now and he still gets a little wary around people. And to make matters worse he isn't even a rescue..
How old is she?

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Evansent wrote:
Usually if they have been a rescue dog they can tend to be over anxious. I've had mine for 3 years now and he still gets a little wary around people. And to make matters worse he isn't even a rescue..
How old is she?

She’s young, maybe 2 years old. She’s not my dog, she’s my friend’s dog - they’re out of town for Christmas so we are house/dog sitting!

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
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Have you brought anything from your friends home ie dog blanket,toys,basket etc?
She needs to feel more at home.

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Evansent wrote:
Have you brought anything from your friends home ie dog blanket,toys,basket etc?
She needs to feel more at home.

We’re actually staying at their house while they’re gone (house sitting too). She’s surrounded by all of her things!

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
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Maybe it's just strange to him then, Araz. I think it might best talking to Nik about it.
I'll message her on fb if you like?

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Evansent wrote:
Maybe it's just strange to him then, Araz. I think it might best talking to Nik about it.
I'll message her on fb if you like?

That would be great!

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No need, I'm here.

There's a couple of things you can do, pet remedy is fab if you can get your hands on it, it will relax her a little bit. or adaptil work well too. just spray it on you, or her blankets.

If you have a thunder shirt or something similar you can wrap her up in that if she will allow it.

pop a blanket over her crate so its cozy for her (assuming its not too hot where you are)

Other than that I would suggest stop fussing! put some treats outside her crate and Just ignore her, let her work up the courage to come out by herself and when she does she will be rewarded with the treats. Its always best to let a nervous dog come to you, and they sure do in no time. Just allow her to explore her new friends slowly and on her terms.

4be8c2d8 78e3 4f52 8977 21b6cc47a3ee
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Nixx wrote:
No need, I'm here.

There's a couple of things you can do, pet remedy is fab if you can get your hands on it, it will relax her a little bit. or adaptil work well too. just spray it on you, or her blankets.

If you have a thunder shirt or something similar you can wrap her up in that if she will allow it.

pop a blanket over her crate so its cozy for her (assuming its not too hot where you are)

Other than that I would suggest stop fussing! put some treats outside her crate and Just ignore her, let her work up the courage to come out by herself and when she does she will be rewarded with the treats. Its always best to let a nervous dog come to you, and they sure do in no time. Just allow her to explore her new friends slowly and on her terms.

Thank you!!! That’s extremely helpful 😊

(3 days after post)
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Besides being super friendly and nice, giving the dog it's own space to investigate its environment might help. Let the dog just walk around on its own or stay in the crate on its own. If you're doing something else the dog might feel more comfortable to check things out.

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