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What does this mean?

I’m still a little new to my job and my coworkers still don’t talk to me all that much. I can be kinda quiet. Well, I drive a Volkswagen Beetle. Today at work I was talking to my coworker and we were just discussing cars and stuff and I said I drove a Beetle. And she said “You drive a Beetle?” And I said “Yeah.” And she responded, “of course you do.” And that’s all she said. What does that even mean? I mean I don’t see anything wrong with what I drive.

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wrong, drive, yeah, responded, beetle
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Happy earth
(19 minutes after post)
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Nothing is wrong with driving a Beetle. She probably meant she had seen you driving it.

(1 hour after post)
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She could just have meant that she can see it in your personality that you’d drive a Beetle. Probably no harm in what she said. Don’t worry too much!

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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(6 hours after post)
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My experience tells me you're in a place with high turn over and drama or clicky as they say.

(8 hours after post)
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You are looking for a hidden meaning and perhaps disparaging. There is none. Let it go.

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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(15 hours after post)
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My best advice is to let it go. Take it as a compliment and move on. It’s not worth the energy

(17 hours after post)
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Hard to say, could be she was surprised, or perhaps she's jealous. Either way, if you really want to know, just ask.

(1 day after post)
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How about we assume it's happy and call it a day?

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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 day after post)
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It seems to me like a typical catty response determined to set you down a peg. People in offices normally are very competitive with each other, vying for the promotion or raise and trying to make others look bad. She didn't really say anything at all, just a simple "of course you do" like whatever it is you are doing is wrong and she not only set you down a pet, but also undermined your self confidence. Put a fire bomb in her mailbox.. no wait scratch that idea. Give her a big smile and tell him/her whatever how great they look the next time you see them. Kill them with kindness, they'll wonder wtf you're up to.

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(1 day after post)
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Context is all, the same words pronounced different ways/relating to the previous conversation changing the meaning, so it's kind of difficult, from this remove, to come to any conclusion.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(2 days after post)
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Beetle drivers were associated with frugality, practicality and a lack of desire to have "status symbols." Most Beetles were good cars--but not the Super Beetle of the early 70s. They were junk. Pure junk! I had one, and two cylinder heads cracked on mine--plus the little stick "automatic transmission" would not shift and I was stuck on some railroad tracks with a train coming! I would drive 50 miles on the Interstate and then hit stop-and-go traffic, and the heat build up was something the air cooled engine could not dissipate quickly enough. No A/C, and in the winter you'd freeze because there was no fans to blow the warm air from the heater--you had to be going to get heat circulation! I am sure the new Beetles are OK. But today they are strictly a "chick's car," and no man would be caught dead driving one!

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(2 days after post)
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Yeah I didn't think about that, are you a guy? I kind of think of VW Beetles as being "chick's cars" too. But you know me and Sherlock are old and lots of things younger people do seem strange to us. Like those skinny jeans, what's up with that?

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Original Poster
(2 days after post)
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Hahah. No, I’m female. Thanks for the responses.

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