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I had a bad panic attack with my therapist and now I don’t feel safe.

I have tried several times to talk about this on here and the only advice ive gotten is "brush it off", "suck it up", "rub some dirt in it". I AM DONE. I thought of all places here people may understand but this is ridiculous.

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serious question

Be weird! Yesterday I asked for a random persons hardboiled eggs at work who was going to throw them out and I’ve only
Been at this job for a week. At the train station today I was singing to my music out loud. I make silly faces all the time regardless who’s watching. My best friend weird tutus to college classes. Embrace your weirdness and you will find fun friends to be weird with.

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Aaah, Valentine..!

I learned to love myself

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This story is amazing and you and your other half will laugh about it for years to come! Also I’ve always considered doing the same thing so it is good to know that it does not work! It will take time to recover from the embarrassment but embrace it and learn to laugh at yourself bc this is a hilarious story.

Much love ❤️

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I feel like I’m pushing my boyfriend away.

DocteurRalph wrote:
. That doesn't leave a lot of time, maybe you could get a job where he works or go to the same school or something.

You should not follow your bf like a puppy to spend time with him. You are an independent women

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I feel like I’m pushing my boyfriend away.

It sounds like you need to figure out yourself and who you are and what you want. You can love someone and be unhappy. Just bc you love someone doesn’t mean you should stay with them

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so ..

NaCtHoMaN wrote:
just now dog just chewed up a couch pillow when i was kinda busy online.. .. this is a a whole new level of giving attention gaah!

I just finished dogsitting 3 dogs- a puppy, 8 year old, and 12 year old for 10 days. I have lots of experience with dogs but I’m exhausted. The dog may act out bc of the change in ownership. Destroying stuff is a sign of bordum. Give the dog a toy that they are allowed to chew on to teach them. since he’s 7 he shouldn’t be acting that way. Hopefully since it’s day one it will pass soon

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I guess I'm going to let it go...

🙌🏻👏🏻 GOOD FOR YOU! This is one of the hardest thing for someone to do and you are making the right decision.

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Nasty grandmother.

1. I’m a dog trainer and I hate millan- most people who are experienced with dogs don’t like him either
2. licki mat with his dinner on frozen so it would take him longer to eat it.- this is the exactly what you should be doing
3. Then I was cruel again because my dogs tail is docked legally.- I could see her concern here. There is no reason to dock a dogs tail until it affects there health
4. intimidate my nervous dog by leaning forwards and staring at him- this is why people get bit! It’s the humans fault

People love to give their opinions on things they know nothing about. The holidays are stressful and be happy they are over. She is stubborn and there is no point in arguing with her. You are doing everything right

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I’ve been off social media on and off for the last year.

@Rockster160 youre 100% right. For now I am going to try and stay off social media a bit longer but you’re right that one day I am going to stop avoiding my issues and move on from the past in a professional way

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