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Nasty grandmother.

I promised I wouldn’t let this bother me but it is! On Christmas Day, my grandma came for dinner. While she was here she insulted me several times. Mostly mentioning Cesar Millan and how amazing he was and if i watched his shows i could fix my dogs pawing in minutes (I’m a dog trainer and I hate millan).

Then she called me cruel because I gave my dog a licki mat with his dinner on frozen so it would take him longer to eat it.

Then I was cruel again because my dogs tail is docked legally.

Then she decides to try and intimidate my nervous dog by leaning forwards and staring at him! That was the final straw and I told her not to do it.

I saw her again on New Year’s Eve at her house and barely talked to her. I said that I was just going to nip to the loo before we played a game and she chirped up to tell me where the bathroom was. Funnily enough it’s the same place it has always been for the 30 years that I have been going to her house.....

Oh and she also told me I should be grateful that My mum allowed me to get a dog let alone two ( in a nasty way).

Idk if it’s me or if that line of women on my mums side is just awful. I know my mums grandma (my grandads mum) was nasty to her. But my gran was never like this until my grandad died 5 years ago. Now she’s just bitter with everyone except my aunt and uncles family who are just golden. For some reason I am just a target.

Wow this was a long rant to get off my chest.

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1. I’m a dog trainer and I hate millan- most people who are experienced with dogs don’t like him either
2. licki mat with his dinner on frozen so it would take him longer to eat it.- this is the exactly what you should be doing
3. Then I was cruel again because my dogs tail is docked legally.- I could see her concern here. There is no reason to dock a dogs tail until it affects there health
4. intimidate my nervous dog by leaning forwards and staring at him- this is why people get bit! It’s the humans fault

People love to give their opinions on things they know nothing about. The holidays are stressful and be happy they are over. She is stubborn and there is no point in arguing with her. You are doing everything right

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My dogs tail is docked because he is a working spaniel, his tail wags so manically that it hits everything and would be liable to split and cause a lot of damage and pain to him.

It’s docked at 3 days old before nerves begin to grow and saves an expensive operation later in life. The criteria for docking in uk is extremely tight and only working dogs are permitted to be docked and this requires proof that the dog will be working.

I’ve explained it to her before but nope I’m still cruel.

And to top it off my uncles partner is all judges because I got a puppy from a breeder. She’s the whole ‘adopt don’t shop’ bs. People’s ignorance and judgementalness is frustrating and annoying.

But my uncles dog trainer jabbed their dog in the side for misbehaving and now the trainer is a damn Saint and not cruel at all. Ffs.

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Time to put on the Teflon clothes and your big-girl shoes. Whenever she starts to criticize change the subject. Don't acknowledge what was said and move on. If she refuses walk away. Literally leave the room and don't stew about it. She has an opinion that you don't agree with. No reason why you should.

Buy her a bobble head figurine. She can go back home and complain to it. When jostled just right it will sit there and agree but say nothing.

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Some people are so frustrating. I hope that rant helped you get some of that stress/anger off your chest! Hopefully you won’t have to deal with that again until the next holiday!

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People make me appreciate my dog that much more.

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You should get a cat!

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I had a nasty grandmother too. I wonder if there's one in every family?

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last online: 11/28, 9:31
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My dad says and has said for a while that he thinks that she is developing Alzheimers, looking at the symptoms it would kinda make sense.

Theres another family gathering tomorrow, which im swerving because i have had enough of them.

urgh, my new year resolution is to socialise more.... but everytime i do its awful

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