133 replies, Replies 51 to 60

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

I don't like my time of suffering.. like all the time.. in some way.. I know others have it worse.. but that does not stop the pain, and my inability to deal with consequences.

Yes, i am grateful for blessings (here and there), too. Just saying.. working on my faith x


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so whats the future here?

i persoanlly never learn.. O:)

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Have you ever cut off a family member.

All of them, in my case.

For some people it is esential for healing to go 'no contact'. Look up 'cptsd healing/narcisistic abuse healing' etc.

If you have toxic, or abusive family, if your dad rapes you, if your mum spends all the money on her drugs, if your brother uses your identity for any scum he can do, for example.. I have read numerous horor stories on the support pages I'm in.

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Anyone having issues working from home?

Lano wrote:

There is. But i don't feel comfortable doing that. Her immediate boss used to be my immediate boss and he's not much better and they're buds.

Oh dear! A new job?

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Any thoughts on this please?

Sorry for late reply; is it about them complaining that you keep contacting them too often? ๐Ÿ˜„

I do not know where you are trying to get with that response, Jetmoo. You don't need to justify yourself.

I'd just say - I keep persisting to contact the surgery as I am in a desperate need to get a positive response with so and so.

My hope is that the surgery has my best interest at heart, and I will receive the right response.

I apologise if my previous emails have not been clear enough?

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Anyone having issues working from home?

An awful boss.. What is she doing in her position with that lack of communication?

Is there anyone above her you as a team could contact for help anonymously probably, so nobody is singled out for revenge?

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Any thoughts on this please?

I'd love to offer some thoughts on this, Jetmoo, but my brain is not able to process this much info in one go at the moment, sorry.

Seems like heavy stuff.. Hope you will get all you need.x

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so me and my bf just broke up and I don't know how to deal with it because I am also pregnant with his child and it is very hard to let him go please help me

So, so sorry, countrygirl..! :(

But if he knows that you are pregnant and still left you, you are much better off without him. He would not be supportive even if you stayed together.

It is very hard to let go of those we love, and even harder in your situation. Have you got any other support - friends, family etc?

If he does not know, are you still able to let him know?

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my heart
Hatred Diary II - PD

Oh, thank you, @BA1 xx

i don't know what happened to the links, and honestly I don't remember what they were exactly.. I can't view them now either. Something along the lines of narcissists and freedom after dating them.

And thank you, i just needed to get the pain out of me..
Sorry, you had a similar experience lately :(

I hope i won't fall for another narcissist ever again.. but that never ever worked with me; so probably i'll be pouring my pain out some time again. But wish you all the best, and hope you will have that 'happily ever after' soon.. x

I'm a loner, but stupidly always think that im not and try again..

PS: Hope this one works - https://englishbookgeorgia.com/blogebg/wp-conte...

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