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Why do people act up sometimes?

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people, act
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Emotional imbalance. Something in their day went funky. Reminded them of something in the past. They’re irritable. Millions of possibilities.

Sometimes this just causes them to do unreasonable things.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(21 hours after post)
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Too many antidepressants? Not enough?

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If they act up just sometimes, it's okayish..

When they do it ALL THE TIME, then you have a narcissist / psycho problem!

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being human

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I was working in a house this week and they had a 2 year old girl. The first day she was soooo sweet I was telling the lady, man I wish my kids were little again, they are so much fun at that age. The second day mommy told her she had to take a bath and that little monster started screaming bloody murder and didn't shut up for over 4 hours until grandma came home... whew. You talk about acting up. She would scream until she was red in the face and out of breath and then lay down and cry and when she got her strength up again would start screaming again. Yup forgot about about that part of raising kids... that and dirty diapers.

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It's kind of in our nature. When we are babies, before we can even talk, the primary source of communication for all of our needs is crying and being as loud as possible. And that gave us food, shelter, hygiene, etc. Growing up and shedding that habit is hard. (I'm a huge cry baby myself) So when people throw tantrums it just makes me think of how their inner-baby is surfacing again. Some people are better at putting that behavior away than others.

But it all just depends, I guess. People with more temperamental personalities will most likely act out more than people who are mild-mannered. And the way you are raised is a big factor, too, I think. And whatever the issues is, and whatever place you are in in life. There's way too many factors to try to think of them all...

(3 years after post)
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I’m not sure where you’re getting your info, but good topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more.
Thanks for wonderful information I was looking for this info for my mission.

(3 years after post)
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I am not sure where you’re getting your information, but good topic. I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more.
Thanks for fantastic info I was looking for this information for my mission.

(3 years after post)
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I am not sure where you’re getting your information, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more.
Thanks for excellent information I was looking for this information for my mission.

(3 years after post)
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Thanks for great info I was looking for this info for my mission.

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