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What is the reason people drive in very loud cars?

In my town the guy collegs kids are taking off their mufflers to sound like a race car.
As somone who walks everywhere this is hurting my hearing and peace.
The police never do anything about it.
Im asking sincerely
Why do people drove ear splitting cars and trucks

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Could you repeat the question - - - I didn't hear you.

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I have this kind of problem around my house. I live by a main road that is separated by a park-area. Most of it happens at around midnight-3AM and they're usually trying to do burn-outs, or speeding because the road traffic is scarce. I'm still trying to figure out the answer. It's probably a number of things.

They're sociopaths
They have self-esteem issues so they're trying to compromise
They think it makes them look/sound cool by showing off.
Their parents failed to teach them common sense and decency
They're probably of low intellect and can't figure out how to get a new, less disturbing hobby.
They're probably on drugs.
Or it's a combination of all of the above

Whichever it is, I often call out (not that they can hear me, but it makes me feel better) "I hope you crash into a wall." Maybe they'll think twice when they have two broken legs and can't drive for a while.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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First, they're thrill seekers. It gives them a rush.
Secondly, it's about attention - "Hey, look at me!"
Thirdly, it gives them a sense of power they don't really have.
Fourth, a sense of belonging in a group (or 'click' in this case) of people they can hide in when it comes to paying the consequences.

Also, there are many cases where children of parents who are in positions of authority are quite rebellious and the parents generally know about it but do nothing.

Movies, like "Gone In 60 Seconds," have greatly helped spawn behaviors such as theirs.

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(15 hours after post)
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My girlfried tells me its becsuse they have small male equipment.

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I think they like attention.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Couldnt they stive for solid power in excelling in sports or the arts .Driving a car or truck with the intention of punishing walkers or bicyclists is wrong and it screams of insecurity.
Wasted time being an arse hole

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They're *****penis substitutes.

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Cos they want everyone to notice them like look at me! Everyone look at me!, I have a car! Iā€™m amazing I have a car! My self worth is based on the fact I have this car! Look how amazing I am!

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They have little dicks. They have to feel impressive somehow.

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It's just about attention. They haven't received enough because their parents both had to work long hours to pay all the taxes we are now saddled with or some other sordid reason... many of which I could go into long discourses about but forget all that.

Yeah, it's a "Hey look at me" thing. When you aren't particularly good at anything and aren't pretty to look at people mainly ignore you. It's hard to ignore someone who is splitting your eardrums.

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speaking of past, muscle cars .. loudness .. by sight and sound
felt the power and manhood was a mustach.

whatever.. yall very opinionated anyways.

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Loud car and mustache... gotcha covered.

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