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Wedding dresses...

I really want a Scottish dress, but authentic Celtic wedding dresses are difficult to find. I want some sort of hybrid between these dresses. Basically a regular wedding dress with the plaid showing at the back, but with a Scottish Hood (in place of the veil). Know any places who make these plaid dresses?[http://img12.deviantart.net/75e0/i/2006/066/2/4...]

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wedding, dress, scottish, plaid, dresses
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1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
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Go to Etsy. Search for WeddingDressFantasy in Teaneck, NJ. Owners name is Tova Marc. She does custom work.

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Love that idea...never saw one of these dresses before. How neat. Hope you find one

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
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This is a sample pic of Tova's work.

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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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A hybrid dress is sometimes better than "authentic" because it is more personal and expresses who you are as an individual.

When is the wedding?

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(10 hours after post)
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Yeah when's the wedding? Is there a wedding or are you just wanting a wedding dress to go hang out at bars with? Just kidding as always, but for some reason I thought you just got married. No your sister got married? There were wedding pictures on FB that much I'm sure of. It's been a long time these things get scrambled in my old brain.

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Manthy would like a June wedding. She is not officially engaged yet because he has not purchased a ring. To her that is unimportant. They are spiritually committed to one another and that is what matters most.
Regardless of when it occurs I support them both and wish only true bliss and happiness.

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2b7d4078 f1e4 45cb a285 98a00bb270f8
(13 hours after post)
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I LOVE that last one!!!

Cb97425f a27b 4dd6 a43b e54138790934
(16 hours after post)
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soco wrote:
Go to Etsy. Search for WeddingDressFantasy in Teaneck, NJ. Owners name is Tova Marc. She does custom work.

Thank you for this suggestion, I was searching Etsy too but didn't come across this :)

PepperJ wrote:
Love that idea...never saw one of these dresses before. How neat. Hope you find one

Thank you, I love this style, I didn't think I'd like plaid in a dress, but some dresses look so amazing with it.

Big-Al-One wrote:
A hybrid dress is sometimes better than "authentic" because it is more personal and expresses who you are as an individual.

When is the wedding?

You're so right, but custom dresses are often very expensive, and I want something simple, elegant and inexpensive. Haven't set an exact date yet. My parents' and SO's are meeting for the first time in a few days (since they're visiting from Colorado and we're in IL). Once we get engaged officially, we will start planning, he ordered a ring for me a few days ago, I'm excited :)

DocteurRalph wrote:
Yeah when's the wedding? Is there a wedding or are you just wanting a wedding dress to go hang out at bars with? Just kidding as always, but for some reason I thought you just got married. No your sister got married? There were wedding pictures on FB that much I'm sure of. It's been a long time these things get scrambled in my old brain.

Lol, I will hang out in bars with it for sure ;) but there is a wedding being planned. The wedding photos you saw were my friends' and I was a bridesmaid in it. I hope my sister isn't married, since I didn't hear about it :/

soco wrote:
Manthy would like a June wedding. She is not officially engaged yet because he has not purchased a ring. To her that is unimportant. They are spiritually committed to one another and that is what matters most.
Regardless of when it occurs I support them both and wish only true bliss and happiness.

Thank you soco! With the ring on the way, I feel I can start with the planning, I've always been too impatient to wait. It's his birthday in a few days, and I get too excited to even keep his gift a secret from him. Although, I told him what it is, I stretched the truth a bit, so he will still be surprised 😉

Prttytrisha wrote:
I LOVE that last one!!!

On Etsy, Outlanderweddings makes the sorts of 'Celtic' dresses with/without hoods for $150-$250 depending on the style, they also customise the colours. https://www.etsy.com/shop/Outlanderweddings/ite...

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Learn some sewing basics and get (or borrow a sewing machine). View as many dresses as you can and find each thing about them you like and sew the garment together one piece at a time.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(18 hours after post)
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Ordered a ring! Yay! Hopefully your family and the new in-laws won't kill each other before it gets here. Somehow someone always finds someone in the other family they don't like, or maybe that's just my family that does that. But they pretty much hate everybody, it's not just my wife and her family they hate. lol

All kidding aside good luck Manthy.

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(1 day after post)
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soco wrote:
Manthy would like a June wedding. She is not officially engaged yet because he has not purchased a ring. To her that is unimportant. They are spiritually committed to one another and that is what matters most.
Regardless of when it occurs I support them both and wish only true bliss and happiness.

Ask the mamma please. MXM. He bought the ring and will most like propose within the next two weeks. I'm so showing off....lol

(1 day after post)
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This is so you my sweetheart. Love the idea and think you will look great in it.

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I'm showing ouma.

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
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DocteurRalph wrote:
Yeah when's the wedding? Is there a wedding or are you just wanting a wedding dress to go hang out at bars with? Just kidding as always, but for some reason I thought you just got married. No your sister got married? There were wedding pictures on FB that much I'm sure of. It's been a long time these things get scrambled in my old brain.

Docteur is right. There are pictures of what looks like a wedding on your fb profile. Please catch us up and if you can, post a picture of the happy couple.
More importantly, how can we help make sure your mom is there for the wedding?

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(1 week after post)
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I don't know how expensive this would be, but what if you got the dress in the second picture you posted and then had a tailor alter it with plaid? Idunno, the dresses are beautiful though!!

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