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How do you handle someone who calls you and asks for you by full name but refuses to identify whats its in regards to?

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calls, asks, refuses, full, indentfy
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Anonymous edited this post .

How do you handle someone who calls you and asks for you by full name but refuses to indentfyindentify whats its in regards to?

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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I would ask them for their name. If they refuse, I would say there is nothing to talk about and I would hang up.

Original Poster
(56 minutes after post)
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Yes. But I did get her name and I dont know her.
She wouldnt tell me what it in regards too.

Anonymous edited this post .

How do you handle someone who calls you and asks for you by full name but refuses to indentifyidentify whats its in regards to?

(2 hours after post)
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dont answer unknown callers.. all scam in my eyes.. if it were really important .. they would mail it to you :P

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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BigWilly has left the house.. leave a message and he'll get back to you ASAP.

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Yorick wrote:
dont answer unknown callers.. all scam in my eyes.. if it were really important .. they would mail it to you :P

I also don’t answer calls I don’t recognize.

(5 hours after post)
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Araz wrote:

Yorick wrote:
dont answer unknown callers.. all scam in my eyes.. if it were really important .. they would mail it to you :P

I also don’t answer calls I don’t recognize.

welcome to the family j/k

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Yorick wrote:

Araz wrote:

Yorick wrote:
dont answer unknown callers.. all scam in my eyes.. if it were really important .. they would mail it to you :P

I also don’t answer calls I don’t recognize.

welcome to the family j/k

If you called me, I wouldn’t answer 😂🤣

(5 hours after post)
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Araz wrote:

Yorick wrote:

Araz wrote:

[quote from Yorick]

I also don’t answer calls I don’t recognize.

welcome to the family j/k

If you called me, I wouldn’t answer 😂🤣

thats the spirit.. but btw.. i dont do phone calls

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@Yorick me neither. That’s what texting is for. It’s 2019!

(5 hours after post)
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neat trick question.. text me sometime will ya jk

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Yorick wrote:
neat trick question.. text me sometime will ya jk

Lol 😂

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"Thanks for getting back to me.... I hid the body just as you asked. Now what...???"

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soco wrote:
"Thanks for getting back to me.... I hid the body just as you asked. Now what...???"

Yip that would be my sort of line.

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Unknown numbers get sent to voicemail. If it's important they'll leave a message. If they don't well I'm still not going to answer their call.

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It could be a collections agency. My parents are refusing to pay an accidental bill that a company is refusing to acknowledge is accidental. Companies hire collection agencies to try and collect said bills in this situation. Unfortunately, for some reason, my phone number was on the account.

So, I kept getting calls from a collections agency and everytime they would refuse to say who they were until I told them my name (which happens to be the same as my dad, who's on name is on the account). It took them forever to get me off their list.

I don't blame you for refusing to say that you are who they are asking for. I suppose the system is to protect privacy, but you can say who you are without disclosing personal information, it's really idiotic.

Original Poster
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It was a collection agency.
I called the number back.
There should be a law to require them to say who they are.
You know collection agencys never repay the original creditor.
They buy the debt and take what they can get.
Its best to never talk to them.
Only talk to the original creditor

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Anonymous wrote:
It was a collection agency.
I called the number back.
There should be a law to require them to say who they are.
You know collection agencys never repay the original creditor.
They buy the debt and take what they can get.
Its best to never talk to them.
Only talk to the original creditor

I work for a collections attorney.

1. The FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) protects you but it does no good if you don't know your rights!

2. All debt collectors are legally required state "This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This is a communication from a debt collector." Failing to do so can result in an FDCPA violation ($1K each violation).

3. Collection agencies absolutely do repay the original creditor. There are two types of collection agencies. There are those that collect on behalf of the creditor and then there are those that purchase debt. For the first group, they take a small percentage of whatever they are able to collect. For the second group, they paid the creditor for the debt already. Debt collection is not cheap and you don't even recoup a large percentage of the debt purchased. It's not exactly a glamorous field.

And then when all else fails, THEN they come to an attorney, like my firm, for help.

The original creditor will always turn you back to the debt collector/attorney because it's no longer in their office. All that winds up happening is your credit suffers.

Just my two cents.

(1 week after post)
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Hang up and block the number.

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Anonymous wrote:
Hang up and block the number.

For a collection agency that does not work. Businesses that you owe money to are legally allowed to contact you to collect that debt. If you block their number they call from a different number. When they get desperate they take the account to court and get the judge to allow them to collect all monies owed directly from your employer. You don't want that.

Original Poster
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Just a note.
This debt is 15 years old.
They really cant do anything anymore .

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Anonymous wrote:
Just a note.
This debt is 15 years old.
They really cant do anything anymore .

They can only do something if they have a judgment and the judgment hasn’t expired. The statute of limitations for debt is 3 years without a contract and 5 years with a contract. 6 years if it’s a promissory note. 18 months for bill of lauding. Also depends on the state. These statutes are for VA.

But if it’s out of statute, they are, legally, not supposed to be contacting you.

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