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people, built, growth, roads, crowded
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Just read about it in a news paper article. Thought I'd share because I have noticed so many changes in my town, but I had no idea it was so

Roads that used to be empty or "less traveled" have lines of cars. Whole neighborhoods are being plopped down in old areas that were empty fields in no time at all.....

(22 minutes after post)
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That’s crazy! I wonder why? Are there available jobs that people are coming in to snag?

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With rising populations, it’s only going to get worse...

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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Thats why I'm moving to the country ASAP!

(13 hours after post)
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I live in the country surrounded by forests and fields. Places are so far apart that you need a car to travel.
A friend from Europe was telling me how everything is so tightly packed in because the countries are smaller so a lot of people confined to settle in less space practically on top of each other.
I guess there are perks but I fear the day I loose my solitude simply because the rest of the world fills up.

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So I'm guessing the effectiveness of the "pill" is severely diminished by the water supply...?

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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It's the same thing where I live. More than 200 people move to Nashville every day. The roads are overcrowded, rent and house prices have skyrocketed, there's construction everywhere, it's a pain in the rear... I think we need to build a wall around our city, yeah that's the ticket. No vacancy.

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DocteurRalph wrote:
It's the same thing where I live. More than 200 people move to Nashville every day. The roads are overcrowded, rent and house prices have skyrocketed, there's construction everywhere, it's a pain in the rear... I think we need to build a wall around our city, yeah that's the ticket. No vacancy.

Nobody leaves? So 200 everyday into new construction properties only. Your construction workers must be slammed and not get much sleep.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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I despise Planned Parenthood, because it pushes abortions (a huge revenue generator). But I see overpopulation as strangling our planet.

The more overcrowded we become, the less value that will be placed on human life.

Can you imagine a world with 100 billion people? I surely do not want to!

You know war is inevitable when that happens.

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Rockster160 wrote:
That’s crazy! I wonder why? Are there available jobs that people are coming in to snag?

I don't know to be honest. 7-10 years ago, it was oil fields, but not that so much anymore. Our county had the 2nd most growth in the natiom in 2017. There ARE more jobs, because there are more people....more construction, etc. And a HUGE hospital is being built less than 2 miles from my house, so all the roads around here are being widened.

Anonymous wrote:
I live in the country surrounded by forests and fields. Places are so far apart that you need a car to travel.
A friend from Europe was telling me how everything is so tightly packed in because the countries are smaller so a lot of people confined to settle in less space practically on top of each other.
I guess there are perks but I fear the day I loose my solitude simply because the rest of the world fills up.

I'd love to move to the country, but houses with acreage are waaaaayyyy out of my price range! And... all those dirt roads in the country where we used to take drives are being paved and it's amazing how fast whole neighborhoods are being plopped down in the middle of nowhere.

soco wrote:
So I'm guessing the effectiveness of the "pill" is severely diminished by the water supply...?

Not so much population increase due to births (if I recall, births only account for 10% of the increase).... just everyone must think this is the place to settle. Honestly, it's not all that great

DocteurRalph wrote:
It's the same thing where I live. More than 200 people move to Nashville every day. The roads are overcrowded, rent and house prices have skyrocketed, there's construction everywhere, it's a pain in the rear... I think we need to build a wall around our city, yeah that's the ticket. No vacancy.

No vacancy in CO., too! The mountain areas of the state have grown so fast that not many people are moving there now. A basic 3 bedroom house in those areas costs over a million now, pricing the 99% out. Sure wish I'd bought a home there 20 years ago...

Soco... I can drive 1/2 an hour in any direction and find 5-7 new neighborhoods being built. If I were to drive a little more to the north, there would be 10 new neighborhoods. A neighborhood just to the west of me is going up with a plan of 700 homes. Probably 1/3 of them are already built and sold.

We moved into a new neighborhood in Aug. Our house was THE ONLY house besides the model that was on this block when we moved. Before any of the new houses were built, there were "sold" signs in the dirt. Now it's all built up. Guess the only good thing is that between signing the contract to have our house built (Oct 31, 2016) to now, the base price of our house has gone up over 20k. It's crazy

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(1 day after post)
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DocteurRalph wrote:
It's the same thing where I live. More than 200 people move to Nashville every day. The roads are overcrowded, rent and house prices have skyrocketed, there's construction everywhere, it's a pain in the rear... I think we need to build a wall around our city, yeah that's the ticket. No vacancy.

Lol!!! Husb and I are going to pick up "for sale" fliers and contact real estate agents on our trip! Going to see what life might be like in other parts of the country as we go through....MO, TN, OK, GA, FL, and maybe even (but doubtful) AL, MS, LA, TX

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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I can relate, but we don't own the world, just share it I guess. Maybe the "Donald" will start the wall I've told people I want one around my house like China. Sadly the government machine needs their taxes and with growth comes stress.
You'll be okay and retire as a Gypsy or Nomad:)

You can't beat progress or stop it, but you can ride that dragon!

(4 days after post)
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People need to stop having babies :)

Animation2 2
(4 days after post)
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Max wrote:
I can relate, but we don't own the world, just share it I guess. Maybe the "Donald" will start the wall I've told people I want one around my house like China. Sadly the government machine needs their taxes and with growth comes stress.
You'll be okay and retire as a Gypsy or Nomad:)

You can't beat progress or stop it, but you can ride that dragon!


Animation2 2
(4 days after post)
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Silverset wrote:
People need to stop having babies :)

In this area, anyway, a very,very small percentage of the growth is births...

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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People have stopped and it's part of the problem.

PepperJ edited this post .

ThePost populationclosed.¬ ¬ Thank inyou my area has more than tripled in 5 years. My town has gone from around 80,000 people to over 304,000 people. No wonder I'm so irritated lately! The roads/stores and infrastructure here are ultra crowded and things like roads are not built for thatyour much growthhelp

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