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Dearest Darling Mother

I miss you, I love you, I need you.
My constant, always answering
My thousand questions, I always have

And I look for you, but every room is empty.
The garden is lonely
without your presence,
where you light your cigarette,
And reflect on the day with open eyes, open heart.

I long for our chats when you're
gone too long.
The reason that the hours seem to drag.
Missing my mother,
My mother I want home.


This poem was adapted from one I wrote for my mother a long time ago. I read this for her when she passed.

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(3 hours after post)
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My darling daughter, child of my loins, I have ascended beyond the clouds to a place of gold. And now I see the One who gave you to me not so long ago.
Could it have only been the vapor of a whisper ago - how can I deny His love?
You have always been the daughter I hoped for and you will often miss me, but you will not miss my love. I will always live in your thoughts.
Listen to your heart in times of loniliness, I will hear you always. I will vist your dreams and comfort you.
I love you my daughter, and I stand at the end of your road with open arms. Live well and smile for soon we will all be home....together.
(I've got your back)

Hiippie chick beautiful
(3 hours after post)
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Dear Manthy...
I realize that you are going through the hardest days that you have ever known.
I am so so sorry for the passing of your Mom...
I understand completely.

Manthy, after my Mom passed, an old friend handed me a poem, hoping that it would help.

I am passing it on to you, Hon.
With the same hope...that it may help you in some way...

Along with the poem also comes a gentle hug...just because.


Do you want to talk about her

Every minute of the day?

Do you always think about her

When you walk and when you pray?

Do you grieve the day she left us

With a constant aching song?

Do you call out with a fresh cry

When you realize she is gone?

Do you long to see her sweet face

One more time before you die?

Do you talk to her when you're alone

And wait for her reply?

Do you? Do you?

If you do,

I want to talk to you.

For I know you understand.

We are allies in our grief

In this dry and thirsty land.

We will hold unto each other

As we share in what is gone.

As we share in what is gone.

Did you know her dreams of wholeness;

Did you hold them in your hands?

Did you listen to her pain's cry

As she wrestled with the sands?

Did you walk beside her walking

As her body fell apart?

Did you love her gracefully

As she loved you from the start?

Did you try in some small way

To make life easier to bear?

Did you share in her burdens

By showing that you care?

Did you? Did you? This I want to know

If you did, I want to talk to you,

For I know you were her friend.

You valued her as I did

And loved her to the end.

And loved her to the end.

Do you want to talk about her

Every minute of the day?

If you do,

Let's talk about her

Let's talk the night away.

**You loved this Woman. I was someone who would chat with her on this site.
But I knew immediately that she was a very special woman.
And I believe that you were BOTH blessed by being Mother and Daughter...

Wishing you Peace and Love at this time, Manthy....and always....Cara

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(10 hours after post)
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Certainly the best post ever since we have become reunited. God Bless you Manthy.

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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(12 hours after post)
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So sorry for your loss :(

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(14 hours after post)
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So sorry

(19 hours after post)
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your mother was a good person.

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last online: 03/19, 3:49
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(20 hours after post)
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Jebus-Zeus wrote:
your mother was a good person.

One of the best. We were tremendously better the time we had her with us.
Jebus, you'll get no argument from me.

(2 days after post)
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Im sure shes above and read it x

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