663 replies, Replies 211 to 220


The only times I tinkled have been:
1. After the birth of my 4th baby for about 3 months. (My Granny told me her 4th baby did her bladder in... I used to laugh, now I believe it)

2. When I've been so sick that I've coughed violently enough to give myself a headache

Pretty sure you haven't recently had a baby. Have you been sick?

If you do have a bladder infection, antibios are the way to go, but I have heard of people treating (or maybe preventing?) Them with cranberry juice daily

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I would see a doc.

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Hello, HelpQA!!

Welcome to the site!

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Update on my mom’s condition (Ilse/Aisha).

I'm so sorry to hear this. Glad you are with her

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Yay, Nix!

As for your dad: he'll get over it. He's used to you acting a certain way and when you don't, it throws him for a loop. He needs to be more supportive, for sure.

As for you: don't let it bother you. Keep doing what you're doing :)

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So, I have a date set for my medical and interview to become a Military Officer with the cadets.

Great for you! :)Time goes so fast...it will be here before you know it :)

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Best place to donate clothing?

Having had kids in school and worked in schools, I found out schools take a lot of donations....

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Thinking of moving to USA, i know its massive so am trying to figure out where would be the best place for me to move too.

I live in Colorado and have lived in all parts of this one state for my whole life.

I love the mountains! But living IN the mountains is pricey!

I love the beach, too.

My perfect scenario would be to have a summer house in Colorado and a winter house in Florida or the Carolinas....

Housing in CO is going up, up, up. Bought a 4 bed/2 bath 1800 square foot home in the mountains in 2000 for $135k.

Can't even get close to that now. I don't think there are any houses in Colorado for less than $200k, and that would be a real fixxer upper

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I have to find a place for a meeting in just over a week!

See about using a meeting room in a school or community college.

If you have a community college or university nearby, you can usually find a quiet spot in the library.

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Gift card guilt.

Most retail workers come and go, moving on to other jobs all the time. They won't remember you, and it was just another day at work.

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