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Thinking of moving to USA, i know its massive so am trying to figure out where would be the best place for me to move too.

About me and what am I looking for
- single 30 years old male, in Canada currently
- loves soccer
- loves mountains and outdoor (forest > beach)
- currently working as a computer programmer
- house price < $350,000 (2-3 bedroom) [in case i want to settle down there]
- good weather (mild around 20 degree)
- not too high on big crowd
- green space > crazy city life
- safety

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life, city, crazy, safety, loves
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Happy earth
(10 minutes after post)
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I'm guessing Midwest or Rocky Mountain states would suit you. Appalachia has some beautiful wild areas, but not many jobs, and much poverty and addiction.

You could probably find a really nice 2-3 bedroom house for much less than the price you mention. I used to live in a fine 3 bedroom house in a small town in an eastern state, which cost $88K.

(28 minutes after post)
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As you are after both beaches and mountains, you will want to give consideration to the East and West coast of the US.
In addition, you prefer moderate temperatures. For that, you will want to be in the middle of the coasts North to South. The farther North, the colder it gets (as you know for living in Canada) and the farther south, the larger the bugs become . . Lol But Seriously, man sized beasts!!!
I'm on the East coast, I adore Virginia.
It's exactly what you are after.
Best of luck my friend :)

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(2 hours after post)
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Utah is great. Has awesome mountains for hiking/climbing (and snow in the winter for Winter Sports as well).
Temperatures are pretty mild. Although winters can last a while.

Youโ€™ll easily find housing for less than that. My house is a spacious 3 bedroom for 200k. (Itโ€™s a townhouse, but still great.)
And while itโ€™s still pretty low-population, itโ€™s a pretty central place for the upcoming tech industry. Lots of dev jobs. ๐Ÿ˜„

User photo 22810 561248
(3 hours after post)
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Rockster160 wrote:
Utah is great. Has awesome mountains for hiking/climbing (and snow in the winter for Winter Sports as well).
Temperatures are pretty mild. Although winters can last a while.

Youโ€™ll easily find housing for less than that. My house is a spacious 3 bedroom for 200k. (Itโ€™s a townhouse, but still great.)
And while itโ€™s still pretty low-population, itโ€™s a pretty central place for the upcoming tech industry. Lots of dev jobs. ๐Ÿ˜„

around how much you pay tax every year for that property?

(3 hours after post)
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tricky wrote:

Rockster160 wrote:
Utah is great. Has awesome mountains for hiking/climbing (and snow in the winter for Winter Sports as well).
Temperatures are pretty mild. Although winters can last a while.

Youโ€™ll easily find housing for less than that. My house is a spacious 3 bedroom for 200k. (Itโ€™s a townhouse, but still great.)
And while itโ€™s still pretty low-population, itโ€™s a pretty central place for the upcoming tech industry. Lots of dev jobs. ๐Ÿ˜„

around how much you pay tax every year for that property?

I believe it was like $1,300 ish for 2017.

User photo 22810 561248
(4 hours after post)
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thats very reasonable, thanks for the info!

Animation2 2
(4 hours after post)
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I live in Colorado and have lived in all parts of this one state for my whole life.

I love the mountains! But living IN the mountains is pricey!

I love the beach, too.

My perfect scenario would be to have a summer house in Colorado and a winter house in Florida or the Carolinas....

Housing in CO is going up, up, up. Bought a 4 bed/2 bath 1800 square foot home in the mountains in 2000 for $135k.

Can't even get close to that now. I don't think there are any houses in Colorado for less than $200k, and that would be a real fixxer upper

(6 hours after post)
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mars would be a safer place, maybe venus if you can breathe acid...

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
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Just dip a toe in the water. North Dakota or Wyoming to start. Just as a test. You don't need to make life changing decisions right at the starting gun. It is the people you meet that will help you the most. The ones you mesh with you will want to continue to be around.

Still doin stuff for starbyface
(1 day after post)
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I agree with soco. Maybe 3-4 years ago, my older brother went on a road trip through the West Coast and really enjoyed himself. Camping, AirBnB, new friends, hiking, exploration, lots of awesome pictures. Test the waters and get a feel for some areas. But oh yeah, West Coast sounds like a perfect fit for you.

User photo 22810 561248
(2 days after post)
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thanks everybody for your advise and recommendation!

last online: 08/10, 11:40
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I was thinking of West Coast too in particular San Francisco, LA, Pasadena or other places in California. Much of the computer industry is there so it seems a good place for IT people.

last online: 08/10, 11:40
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PepperJ wrote:
I live in Colorado and have lived in all parts of this one state for my whole life.

I love the mountains! But living IN the mountains is pricey!

I love the beach, too.

My perfect scenario would be to have a summer house in Colorado and a winter house in Florida or the Carolinas....

Housing in CO is going up, up, up. Bought a 4 bed/2 bath 1800 square foot home in the mountains in 2000 for $135k.

Can't even get close to that now. I don't think there are any houses in Colorado for less than $200k, and that would be a real fixxer upper

I sure am missing those 2000 prices. The price hike we're seeing these days is atrocious.

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Cannot recommend San Francisco any more .

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I recommend VA! Tons of hiking to do and itโ€™s proximity to DC and the demand for people in your field will enable you to get the salary you probably want. The housing is a little bit expensive but not ridiculous depending on what you want and where you want to live. Traffic sucks but the same can be said for any city really.

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I was born/raised in Northern VA, though, so I may be biased...

Happy earth
(6 months after post)
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Araz wrote:
I recommend VA!

Note that this applies only to northern Virginia. Central and southwestern Virgina are quite rural, beautiful, but not many jobs. Salaries are relatively low, as is cost of living.

East coast (Norfolk and peninsula area up to Richmond) is kind of in between.

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