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Movie Rant: Fighting with My Family****SPOILERS**

I don't know anything about whatever movie you're talking about, but I just watched a movie with Vince Vaughn. It was called Couples Retreat and it was pretty funny. The girls were spectacular if nothing else.

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I was born and raised in the same state my entire life.

Do you have no kids just you and your old man? Yeah buy a psychedelic VW microbus and drive cross country until you find some place you like. Listen to the vibes. Don't pay attention to the first answer... live off the land.

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I was born and raised in the same state my entire life.

Slower paced state like California? That's what I think of when I think of west coast. I'm not sure it's any slower in LA than anywhere in Virginia unless maybe you live right by Washington DC.

Do you want to leave VA or is it just your husband? It doesn't sound like you came up with this idea. It is a big deal to move somewhere if you don't know anyone there. It's a lot easier if you have family or friends, or is that the reason you want to move? I moved away from Indiana but the only ones there were my mom and dad. My brother and sister had both already moved out of state. Finding new friends that I could trust like the kids I grew up with was the hardest part for me.

But yeah I wouldn't move out west without a job for sure. Are you like a nurse or a teacher who can get a job in any place in the world? Or maybe you just have enough money to last a year, did you hit the lottery for $100,000? That would help. I'd have a job and a place to live before I packed my stuff. Maybe not 25 years ago when I was your age though. Well I had 5 kids under 8 years old when I was 32, I wasn't going anywhere. I needed all the in-laws I could find just to babysit, ha.

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Advice needed.

Sorry you're not doing well. I don't understand your problems enough to give you any advice but try to find a little bit of happiness in every day. Sure most of life is ****shit but every once in a while you can steal some time for yourself and sit back and enjoy it. I can't tell you to do what I do because it would probably be illegal or immoral where you live but whatever you need to do to put a smile on your face I'm all for it.

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Another investment type question....

People still default and the laws protect them. Being a landlord is hell, my dad owned rental property and it was insane what people could get away with. Move in, never pay rent, trash your property and stay 90 days. If they're pregnant it's about impossible to evict them. I guess it depends on the economic health in your area.

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Like board games?

Man that's a little busy for me. I play golf online at WGT and it's a blast. The most fun is talking to strangers for an hour while you wait for the other people to hit.

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Figuring my mum out

I moved 360 miles away from my parents when I was 18 and they didn't know where I was or how to contact me for over 2 years. I suggest you do the same. Sounds like your mum is dragging you down. Do you want or need that in your life? I didn't think so...

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Some psycho I know has hacked the computer I'm using and figured out what drives me to homicidal rage and is content on consistently doing things over and over again to screw with me that make me want

If nothing else put black tape over all the cameras on your computers. I do.

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i'm tired of chasing the happiness myth

I'll definitely cop to being a freak. No one ever said I was normal.. hell my parents sent me to a psychiatrist when I was in high school and I was making straight A's and never even killed anyone or molested children. Well unless you consider a 17 year old girl that was just a few months younger than me than a child... she loved every minute of it, as did I.

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i'm tired of chasing the happiness myth

It really sounds like you are way too worried about other people being worried about your problems. Who's the selfish one?

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