246 replies, Replies 81 to 90

I feel like Iโ€™m the girl who never gets the guy.

I know the feeling, so I sadly don't have much advice for you. My last proper relationship was almost a decade ago, and I'm still a virgin in my 30's, so I still haven't the slightest clue. Lol.

If you do find out the solution though, please share with us no-hopers!

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Shoutout to the guy selling merch at the crucifixion.

LOL. I bet that guy would have bought Apple stock in the 70's too. Forward-planner.

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I don't want to forget but I'm in a bad state making it difficult to hold the thought otherwise I'd wait to say this.

Happy Birthday for tomorrow, Yet! It's Wednesday 2AM for me. Timezones are funny.

Hope you have a great day!

And Nevermind, I hope you feel better soon and your state passes in a timely fashion. It's no fun feeling like crap. โ˜น๏ธ

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Why would someone unfriend you from one social media platform but not another?

I had someone do the same to me a couple of years ago. Though more than just unfriending me, they blocked me, shut down their account and then made a new one. Without even a reason why. When I discovered she was still following me on Twitter and Instagram, I did us both a favor and blocked and unblocked her. It forces them to stop following automatically, and you don't have to create extra drama because they might just forget all about you.

Thankfully, she did. Because the feelings were too painful to think she might even try to contact me again. I realized after how very toxic she was to me, so I know now it wasn't any great loss. It was more of a gain. I was sick and tired of walking over eggshells and not knowing when she would snap.

I should have gotten the hint when she felt victimized and threw a tantrum for four months when I needed some space for three weeks after a miscarriage. What kind of friend gets mad at that?!

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Fill my heart with mercy please!

Yup! But it's not even just that I'm a people-pleaser, though that's most of it, it's that I always tend to let them get away with horrible stuff, because the conflict or even the idea of the conflict puts me into a hysterical panic - which at some points in my life (many years ago now), resulted in self-harm. I still carry scars.

My mom was horrified to hear the other day when we were celebrating my 2-years-of sobriety date that I stay clean for her. She doesn't understand that the only reason I stopped was because she wanted me to, not because I did...I was content with dying from my addiction. (I didn't tell her that last part)

But that's how I go through life. For my mom, my dogs, the fact there's not yet enough money for the financial burden of my demise... I'm on auto-pilot.

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Fill my heart with mercy please!

I'm afraid I have the opposite problem, so I can't really give you much helpful advice. :( I tend to be someone who can't stop being nice/caring to even those who are actively and continuously abusing me.

I think the strongest people are those who have found a balance. I'm trying to find it, but I seem to fall back into old habits after trying to make "boundaries" tends to exhaust me or make me anxious and self-critical. It's kind of a self-proved philosophy of "if you don't say 'no' to what people want from you, they'll have no cause to hate you more than you hate yourself."

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Rent 350 per month.

Who do I sell my soul to to pay $350 per month? I pay that twice a month and I'm on disability income.

Rockster160 wrote:
I need to move wherever you guys are. Renting a small 1 bedroom apartment here is $600-700/month for something out of the way and not taken care. Doesn't include utilities, internet, or even parking. ๐Ÿ˜‚

No kidding! I've got two dogs to take care of, gas, electric, water, food, transport, medical bills, and phone and internet. That's not including emergencies either.

I'm glad I live in a country with a public healthcare system. If I was in the US, I'd be dead within 3 months - less if my depression medication can't be afforded and I end up topping myself.

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How to deal with bad anniversaries without spiraling into a depressive episode?

Holy ****shit. If I were you, I'd cut the brother out of your life for supporting such a piece of ****shit.

Do not blame yourself. You didn't know what kind of a monster your boyfriend was and from the looks of your avatar photo, your daughter is loved and very very happy with you.

As for bad anniversaries - I cannot help you with that. My bad anniversaries are usually close deaths - and I deal with those by drinking. A lot. I don't recommend that coping mechanism when you have your daughter to look after.

Don't worry about what your shithead brother and that child abuser are doing - focus on you and your family. That is what matters right now. Don't engage in their "celebration", and wash your hands of the both of them would be my ultimate suggestion.

Sheesh, and I thought my own family were ******fucked in standing by douchebags... at least it wasn't someone who attacked my own child, though. I would be the one going to jail for homicide, I think...

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Have you ever wondered.

Oh, I don't need to wonder. I have the documentation and legal records to prove it.

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I got what I wanted.

Crap! That was supposed to be an edit. Oops!

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