246 replies, Replies 101 to 110


I definitely would see a doctor. I myself am incontinent and use aids while I sleep, but mine is due to a tear in the muscles from my younger years - I've been incontinent since I was in my late teens, but did not get properly seen to about it until I was in my mid-20's.

It could be something neurological, or physical - I would definitely speak to your doctor and/or a specialist if needed.

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im a joker

The real question is though; are you a smoker or a midnight toker?

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Why does the app for my robot vacuum cleaner need access to my photos and contacts?

Now I want to get one of those vacuums and just delete everything on my phone but my *****kinky stuff. Hell, might as well spread the cheer to some poor guy who's job it is to stalk random people's phones all day.

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I understand the importance the resurrection story holds in your particular religion.

I still maintain the idea that Jesus just gave up his weekend for Christian sinners...

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I was told that

I think we have the good things, because it's what makes life worth living. The good is something we can strive for, seek out, and be overjoyed when it's found.

I think if it were given to us all the time, a lot of purpose would be lost. We'd need to be able to recognize it when it comes along. After all, there is more than one good emotion. Happiness and love are not always together, nor are they the same thing, but they are both good, positive emotions and serve their own purpose.

Reminds me of one of my favorite Garth Brooks song where the chorum has the words "I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance."

Everything must have a mirrored version. Life vs. Death, Pain vs. Joy. etc.

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Word of the day

Kalinihta wrote:
Wth? Guy is telling us his problem and we are doing a grammatical analysis?

You must be new here, huh? Lol Jebus is known for his rather philosophical perspective. Hence the post's title: "Word of the Day". It is a post about grammar/language.

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Hello to all..

Hiya, Agape! Welcome back. IT's good to see you again. :)

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oh lord, this site layout brings back some memories!

Awww, man. :( I got all excited thinking LittleNick had posted. :(

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Do you have any recommendations for good anti-anxiety medication?

I've been on paroxetine since 2016 and it's worked wonders for me. Apart from some restless-leg side effects, it's been the one thing that's been keeping my on my recovery path from agoraphobia.

However, I'd speak to your doctor and also recommend getting your thyroid, Iron and vitamin levels checked, as abnormal levels/functions can actually contribute to anxiety.

When my agoraphobia first started, I had a blood test done that showed I had an overactive thyroid anemia, and low Vitamin D levels, so I had to get that managed first before tackling the underlying anxiety. It's best to find out if the anxiety isn't being caused by something else medical.

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What is your favorite planet?

Jupiter. Hands down. There's sort of a collective comfort between some friends and I that Jupiter is where my heaven is and whenever we lose someone close to us, their soul/spirit has gone to Jupiter.

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