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Ambiguous relationships.

Ok guys. Now that where back in action and all my helper ftiends are 10 years older its time to get deeper having grown mentally physically and spiritually. First off I wasn't sure I could do this again. Its like a broken relationship (help) you go through the shock of losing what you tagged in life as something you loved. You grived and enough time went by that you finally moved on. So I went through these phases and felt healed. Help dot com was part of my past I was strong enough to not give it any more thought. Than I get a note from Eddie the talented poet we all know and love to follow a link. I was at the moment lost in Facebook supperficiality. I clicked linked on the link and all I heard in my minds eye was the theme from the twilight zone. I thought not you again. I thought we were done. Why are you back? Do I need to romance you once again? All that was said was said and I moved on. I BECAME INDEPENDENT. I didn't need you any longer. Why are you back. Totally UN changed. Totally the same as you looked back when I was whining about relationship issues. The hotel California. I'm not ready. I mean Facebook is pretty dense. Help dot com will take us once again to a deeper level of conscioness. But were different people now. We've grown. Were not the same. So I am at my core being happy its back. I feel its an ambigious relationship now. You guys. Every single one of you are truly family to me. It may take me awhile to get into the rhythm of help dot com again but time will be the factor for me how much of an investment I will make. Any words would be appreciated. Blessings

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aeolian edited this post .

AmbigaousAmbiguous relationships. Ok guys. Now that where back in action and all my helper ftiends are 10 years older its time to get deeper having grown mentally physically and spiritually. First off I wasn't sure I could do this again. Its like a broken relationship (help) you go through the shock of losing what you tagged in life as something you loved. You grived and enough time went by that you finally moved on. So I went through these phases and felt healed. Help dot com was part of my past I was strong enough to not give it any more thought. Than I get a note from Eddie the talented poet we all know and love to follow a link. I was at the moment lost in Facebook supperficiality. I clicked linked on the link and all I heard in my minds eye was the theme from the twilight zone. I thought not you again. I thought we were done. Why are you back? Do I need to romance you once again? All that was said was said and I moved on. I BECAME INDEPENDENT. I didn't need you any longer. Why are you back. Totally UN changed. Totally the same as you looked back when I was whining about relationship issues. The hotel California. I'm not ready. I mean Facebook is pretty dense. Help dot com will take us once again to a deeper level of conscioness. But were different people now. We've grown. Were not the same. So I am at my core being happy its back. I feel its an ambigious relationship now. You guys. Every single one of you are truly family to me. It may take me awhile to get into the rhythm of help dot com again but time will be the factor for me how much of an investment I will make. Any words would be appreciated. Blessings

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Nice analysis

That's how I felt about the help remake that was in no way the real help, kind of.
I tried giving that one a go, then put more effort in when I was made a mod, but it just didn't work.

I didn't hesitate when Eddieee sent me a link to this one.

I have become more and more antisocial over the years, to the point that the only people I regularly spoke to was Eddieee and Evansent, I met them both on help but have met them in real life.

This is now a strange consent to me being around so many people I know and like, and starting to talk to more than 2 people again.

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(1 hour after post)
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I'm thinking it's kind of a good thing that the new old help is so slow right now. If it was like it used to be in its prime I'm not sure I would be willing to devote all the time and energy it takes. I'm just the kind of person that's either all in or all out, and easing back in here is just what I needed.

I was looking at the Helptogo site yesterday and emerge's Thankfulness post was full of people thankful that the new site would end their Help dot com addiction... kind of funny really.

Help me with:

I need help.

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I like that it's quiet as all of us here know each other

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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i fell back into it like it never left :) its nice to be back

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Nixx wrote:
i fell back into it like it never left :) its nice to be back

Well said, Nix. We're here and that's what matters - the return to a better place.

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i know what you mean. i was so happy to see help but i feel like ive slipped back into old habit of immidiately looking here for help instead of sorting things out myself. almost feels like ive regressed to my teenage self however that may also be because of the sticky situation i was in. but overall im glad to have everyone back and be able to feel like im helping people :)

(7 hours after post)
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I wish everyone was back, but I have a feeling some people may not find their way here again.

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last online: 03/19, 3:49
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It's as if you finally get around to cleaning out all the old stuff laying around the house. You happen to find your favorite pair of jeans, curled up in a corner of a cedar chest. You try them on and doves are set free and fireworks celebrate the moment....

They still fit. Perfectly.

(10 hours after post)
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soco wrote:
It's as if you finally get around to cleaning out all the old stuff laying around the house. You happen to find your favorite pair of jeans, curled up in a corner of a cedar chest. You try them on and doves are set free and fireworks celebrate the moment....

They still fit. Perfectly.

this is how I feel after a good meal. With angelic chorus in the background

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