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last online: 10/10, 23:38
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Let the dead bury the dead.

Exceptions being highly evolved and awake helpers big al 1 caramia..doctor ralph.sherlick eddiee.
Rob has left the building

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Since writing this post aeolian may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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brain, acid, gaba, root, amino
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aeolian edited this post .

Yes I am aware of disease. Disease is the result of our toxic environment. Its our toxic thoughts. Its stress . Its eating foods that have been sprayed with Monsanto's pesticides. Read my former statement. I had serious reactive airway disease and was in pretty bad shape 4 years ago. I refused the system. I would die before I trust a doctor. Im aware of the strong connection and manipulation of doctors and big pharma. I made a choice to use bear root or osha root. Im healed now. I run and am playing in a professional music situation. What Im saying is this lack of movement and a horrible diet is what keeps us enslaved to a failed health care system. We can be healthy if we choose. It requires disipline and work. It requires to watch our thoughts . Observe our emotions. Its learning to meditate. Its eating a plant based diet. Go organic. Its giving ourselves a quality of life while we are disease free. Its putting your car in the garage and walking again. Im saddened that the overwhelming majority of americans rely on doctors. They dont have the discipline to take full responsibility for their health do ypu see the problem guys? Americans take much better. Care of their cars than their own bodies. . Im full of life. Now lets talk depression. You know it would be un natural not to have depression . Wars.the illuminati.krooked politicians who steal all our money in taxes. Inoculations. Racial disharmony. Depopulation programs from the vile merchant bankers. A trashed environment. Greed. The lies of government agencies like the fda and dea. Big pharma who rather keep life threatening diseases under their control so they dont cure us they keep us coming back as repeat customers. The list is endless.¬ Depression can be helped. It requires a willingness to take on the responsibility. It requires us to go deep within ourselves and be as totally honest what is it that is keeping us unbalanced. If you go to the doctor and get happy pills its never going to address key factors in your healing. Realise when your under the gun with stress you are creating an abundance of stress hormones in your system like cortisol. This hormone will mess you up. It will start to deplete feel good biochemicals like dopamine and endorphins in your brain. Without theses feel good biochemicals we become clinically depressed.¬ Rather than go into the whys let me say you can start to burn off cortisol and use natural amino acids to restore your feel good messengers in your brain. There 100s of safe and effective nootropics which are totally non toxic chemical agents that pass the blood barrior and restore homeostasis.that is the brain will start to heal. Your going to the root. Aerobic activity such as fast walking running cycling swimming will burn off cortisol. I know what ypur going to tell me. When I am depressed i cant even get out of bed. Well sorry but you simply have to force yourself if you want to start burning off cortisol. 45 minutes 5 days a week. ¬ How to use gaba a natural amino acid to relax. Go online and buy picamillion. Picamillion is a nootropic that crosses the blood brain barrier. It is gaba and niacin fused together. It will put gaba into the brain. What is gaba? Gaba is an amino acid that puts the breaks on over acting neurotransmitters.it stops the over firing of these transmissions. The end result is you slow down over thinking. You calm down. This amino acid will go to the root of your anxiety. ¬ Next step. We need to restore dopamine levels in our brain. Again mother nature has an isolated amino acid that ups dopamine in the brain. Tyrosine. Phenylalanine are two great starts to heal your brain. Theres a whole bunch of nootropics you could also try.but 500 mgs of tyrosine 4 times a day will really work wonders. ¬ The other component is to really learn to meditate. This is a powerful tool to heal your brain. ¬ Last. Start eating a better diet.¬ There you have it in a nutshell. I usually dont have many people respond to my posts for whatever reason. Its a gift. I really think for me Im moving away from this site. Let me know if you are doing better. At leastaccnowledgeleast accnowledge my efforts. I DIDNT GOOGLE THIS PROTOCOL. this is my take. Blessings.

aeolian edited this post .

Yes I am aware of disease. Disease is the result of our toxic environment. Its our toxic thoughts. Its stress . Its eating foods that have been sprayed with Monsanto's pesticides. Read my former statement. I had serious reactive airway disease and was in pretty bad shape 4 years ago. I refused the system. I would die before I trust a doctor. Im aware of the strong connection and manipulation of doctors and big pharma. I made a choice to use bear root or osha root. Im healed now. I run and am playing in a professional music situation. What Im saying is this lack of movement and a horrible diet is what keeps us enslaved to a failed health care system. We can be healthy if we choose. It requires disipline and work. It requires to watch our thoughts . Observe our emotions. Its learning to meditate. Its eating a plant based diet. Go organic. Its giving ourselves a quality of life while we are disease free. Its putting your car in the garage and walking again. Im saddened that the overwhelming majority of americans rely on doctors. They dont have the discipline to take full responsibility for their health do ypu see the problem guys? Americans take much better. Care of their cars than their own bodies. . Im full of life. Now lets talk depression. You know it would be un natural not to have depression . Wars.the illuminati.krooked politicians who steal all our money in taxes. Inoculations. Racial disharmony. Depopulation programs from the vile merchant bankers. A trashed environment. Greed. The lies of government agencies like the fda and dea. Big pharma who rather keep life threatening diseases under their control so they dont cure us they keep us coming back as repeat customers. The list is endless.¬ Depression can be helped. It requires a willingness to take on the responsibility. It requires us to go deep within ourselves and be as totally honest what is it that is keeping us unbalanced. If you go to the doctor and get happy pills its never going to address key factors in your healing. Realise when your under the gun with stress you are creating an abundance of stress hormones in your system like cortisol. This hormone will mess you up. It will start to deplete feel good biochemicals like dopamine and endorphins in your brain. Without theses feel good biochemicals we become clinically depressed.¬ Rather than go into the whys let me say you can start to burn off cortisol and use natural amino acids to restore your feel good messengers in your brain. There 100s of safe and effective nootropics which are totally non toxic chemical agents that pass the blood barrior and restore homeostasis.that is the brain will start to heal. Your going to the root. Aerobic activity such as fast walking running cycling swimming will burn off cortisol. I know what ypur going to tell me. When I am depressed i cant even get out of bed. Well sorry but you simply have to force yourself if you want to start burning off cortisol. 45 minutes 5 days a week. ¬ How to use gaba a natural amino acid to relax. Go online and buy picamillion. Picamillion is a nootropic that crosses the blood brain barrier. It is gaba and niacin fused together. It will put gaba into the brain. What is gaba? Gaba is an amino acid that puts the breaks on over acting neurotransmitters.it stops the over firing of these transmissions. The end result is you slow down over thinking. You calm down. This amino acid will go to the root of your anxiety. ¬ Next step. We need to restore dopamine levels in our brain. Again mother nature has an isolated amino acid that ups dopamine in the brain. Tyrosine. Phenylalanine are two great starts to heal your brain. Theres a whole bunch of nootropics you could also try.but 500 mgs of tyrosine 4 times a day will really work wonders. ¬ The other component is to really learn to meditate. This is a powerful tool to heal your brain. ¬ Last. Start eating a better diet.¬ There you have it in a nutshell. I usually dont have many people respond to my posts for whatever reason. Its a gift. I really think for me Im moving away from this site. Let me know if you are doing better. At least accnowledge my efforts. I DIDNT GOOGLE THIS PROTOCOL. this is my take. Blessings.. Padres post prompted me to reach out however you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink. Lol

last online: 11/28, 9:31
Verified User (7 years, 4 months)
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(19 minutes after post)
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Hiippie chick beautiful
(4 hours after post)
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Everything that you said is very sound advice, Robbie.
I've been dealing with panic attacks for years.
The panic attacks lead to depression.
I was put on so many pharmaceuticals over 3 years...and then I decided to "self help".
I knocked off the sodas...the cokes, pepsi,everything carbonated.
Then I knocked out the salt. And the fried foods....
Which basically left the chicken, fish (both baked) and bread and water.
Bottled water at that.
And it was like being ZAPPED with feeling good.
The depression disappeared...the insomnia was gone.
My natural skin tone came back.
So OUT went all the prescriptions. And I haven't looked back.
But before that I was basically a slave to the pharmas.
If I can toss out the toxic crap that they had me on...like a meat puppet...ANYBODY can.
I wish everyone the best who tries to take their life back into their own hands....

Fb img 1683336237907
(4 hours after post)
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Cara. Give my recommendations
a try. Totally safe. It will get to the root.
I had a feeling this post would be ignored.
Its ok Im going to a better site

aeolian edited this post .

Yes I am aware of disease. Disease is the result of our toxic environment. Its our toxic thoughts. Its stress . Its eating foods that have been sprayed with Monsanto's pesticides. Read my former statement. I had serious reactive airway disease and was in pretty bad shape 4 years ago. I refused the system. I would die before I trust a doctor. Im aware of the strong connection and manipulation of doctors and big pharma. I made a choice to use bear root or osha root. Im healed now. I run and am playing in a professional music situation. What Im saying is this lack of movement and a horrible diet is what keeps us enslaved to a failed health care system. We can be healthy if we choose. It requires disipline and work. It requires to watch our thoughts . Observe our emotions. Its learning to meditate. Its eating a plant based diet. Go organic. Its giving ourselves a quality of life while we are disease free. Its putting your car in the garage and walking again. Im saddened that the overwhelming majority of americans rely on doctors. They dont have the discipline to take full responsibility for their health do ypu see the problem guys? Americans take much better. Care of their cars than their own bodies. . Im full of life. Now lets talk depression. You know it would be un natural not to have depression . Wars.the illuminati.krooked politicians who steal all our money in taxes. Inoculations. Racial disharmony. Depopulation programs from the vile merchant bankers. A trashed environment. Greed. The lies of government agencies like the fda and dea. Big pharma who rather keep life threatening diseases under their control so they dont cure us they keep us coming back as repeat customers. The list is endless.¬ Depression can be helped. It requires a willingness to take on the responsibility. It requires us to go deep within ourselves and be as totally honest what is it that is keeping us unbalanced. If you go to the doctor and get happy pills its never going to address key factors in your healing. Realise when your under the gun with stress you are creating an abundance of stress hormones in your system like cortisol. This hormone will mess you up. It will start to deplete feel good biochemicals like dopamine and endorphins in your brain. Without theses feel good biochemicals we become clinically depressed.¬ Rather than go into the whys let me say you can start to burn off cortisol and use natural amino acids to restore your feel good messengers in your brain. There 100s of safe and effective nootropics which are totally non toxic chemical agents that pass the blood barrior and restore homeostasis.that is the brain will start to heal. Your going to the root. Aerobic activity such as fast walking running cycling swimming will burn off cortisol. I know what ypur going to tell me. When I am depressed i cant even get out of bed. Well sorry but you simply have to force yourself if you want to start burning off cortisol. 45 minutes 5 days a week. ¬ How to use gaba a natural amino acid to relax. Go online and buy picamillion. Picamillion is a nootropic that crosses the blood brain barrier. It is gaba and niacin fused together. It will put gaba into the brain. What is gaba? Gaba is an amino acid that puts the breaks on over acting neurotransmitters.it stops the over firing of these transmissions. The end result is you slow down over thinking. You calm down. This amino acid will go to the root of your anxiety. ¬ Next step. We need to restore dopamine levels in our brain. Again mother nature has an isolated amino acid that ups dopamine in the brain. Tyrosine. Phenylalanine are two great starts to heal your brain. Theres a whole bunch of nootropics you could also try.but 500 mgs of tyrosine 4 times a day will really work wonders. ¬ The other component is to really learn to meditate. This is a powerful tool to heal your brain. ¬ Last. Start eating a better diet.¬ There you have it in a nutshell. I usually dont have many people respond to my posts for whatever reason. Its a gift. I really think for me Im moving away from this site. Let methe knowdead ifbury youthe are doing betterdead. AtExceptions leastbeing accnowledgehighly myevolved efforts. Iand DIDNTawake GOOGLEhelpers THISbig PROTOCOL. thisal is1 mycaramia..doctor take. Blessings. Padresralph.sherlick posteddiee. ¬ Rob promptedhas meleft tothe reach out however you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink. Lolbuilding

last online: 11/28, 9:31
Verified User (7 years, 4 months)
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(11 hours after post)
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Wait... You're pissed because people don't see the world in the same way that you do?

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(11 hours after post)
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Bye Robbie.

(17 hours after post)
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I'm very confused. I've been signed up for a couple of days now (thanks big al one) and all I see is people saying they are leaving the forum. And now I see your post, forgive me, I don't know you and I don't mean to be rude, but you seem butthurt because people didn't respond to your advice. YOU CAN'T SAVE ANYONE WHO DOESN'T WANT TO BE SAVED. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try. You can give your advice but you can't expect everyone to accept it. You gave some good advice, even though I'm not sure about tyrosine, I've tried some nootropics to improve alertness, but they just made me nervous. So, your advice is not for everyone and I can't see why you'd get pissed about that.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(18 hours after post)
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elianna wrote:
I'm very confused. I've been signed up for a couple of days now (thanks big al one) and all I see is people saying they are leaving the forum. And now I see your post, forgive me, I don't know you and I don't mean to be rude, but you seem butthurt because people didn't respond to your advice. YOU CAN'T SAVE ANYONE WHO DOESN'T WANT TO BE SAVED. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try. You can give your advice but you can't expect everyone to accept it. You gave some good advice, even though I'm not sure about tyrosine, I've tried some nootropics to improve alertness, but they just made me nervous. So, your advice is not for everyone and I can't see why you'd get pissed about that.

This is a second version of Help. The orignal Help had thousands of members but the CBS (a TV Network) yanked it out from the people.
Many were displaced with no place to go but Facebook. Then, a member of the former site brought it back just a few months ago. There is a little over a hundred of us and we're still growing, but sometimes we get a little salty every now and then.
Some members more sensitive than others.

Screenshot 20201225 201925 google
(21 hours after post)
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Aeolean, are you really going?
So what it's still a bit quiet.

What's the point in leaving?

I'd miss you if you go.

Animation2 2
(1 day after post)
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Geez, Aeolean. I don't want you to go. I love reading your posts and replies.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(2 days after post)
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Stay. It is what the cat wants!

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(4 days after post)
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Stick around Rob. This place will keep growing, it's just a matter of time.

Help me with:

I need help.

Hiippie chick beautiful
(2 weeks after post)
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Robbie...You are seriously missed.

I want to say more, but what the heck?? Email.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(3 weeks after post)
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Yes. Stay. We are picking up steam!

Hiippie chick beautiful
(4 weeks after post)
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Wellllll, I suppose after all this time that he is really gone.....Adios, my Friend....

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(4 weeks after post)
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Animation2 2
(1 month after post)
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CaraMia wrote:
Wellllll, I suppose after all this time that he is really gone.....Adios, my Friend....

Sherlock wrote:


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