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Since writing this post Nevermind may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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happened, police, hurts, trusted, reported
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(8 minutes after post)
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I highly doubt this

Fb img 1600821388622
(26 minutes after post)
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Wish I could prove it. But I don't know how. Guess I could record a video of my mom yelling you it happened but you wouldn't believe tjat either

Fb img 1600821388622
(39 minutes after post)
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Video of my mom eexplaining what happened. Richard is my best friend


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(41 minutes after post)
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I was in my room and my mom met the 2 cops before I knew. She sent me a message to come upstairs.

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
last online: 03/19, 3:49
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(47 minutes after post)
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Yes. It happened Dani.

Guess we will never know who. But I have my suspicions.

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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I 100% trust this site.

I'm sorry that you felt your trust was violated, however, I can say with confidence after seeing your previous post that it seems that someone may have done it out of care and concern for you - not to be malicious.

This site is full of people who are here because we want to help and we care about people. If someone felt that you were in danger to yourself and actions were taken to try and prevent you from hurting yourself, than I personally cannot very well say that it was the wrong thing to do, as the intentions behind it were to help you, not hurt you further.

As always, highly efficacious use of the taxpayer's buck, prioritising investigation of crimes not committed.
Not one constable showed up when kids were detonating explosives outside my window every hour of the night, for 4 days in a row.

Sorry you've had to endure this fuss, miss.

Help me with:


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(2 hours after post)
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I understand that I need help. But what's frustrating is the crisis center, human services, and the county I live are all aware of what im going through and monitoring.
I went to therapy and disclosed more details to him then I did to this site. Yet he didn't sent me to inpatient.
But this fuss kinda intensifies things and it was very embarrassing cause my mom witnessed this. And they told her information I dont like her to know cause she miss uses it to hurt me sometimes.

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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(3 hours after post)
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I'm sorry that it's not been the best journey for you in finding some inner peace. :( That's not the way it should ever go. And I certainly understand the frustration with the lack of support of mental health. Australia is dealing with it's own incompetent dealings of it (they are closing and selling important property of psychiatric facilities to rich real estate and "relocating" mental illness consumers to boarding houses).

For those not in "immediate" danger, they just refer you to hotlines and call centers that do nothing but give platitudes and goose chases.

But that doesn't mean you're not worth it, or that people don't care for your happiness and well-being. They do. Even here; we care.

Though you may not be getting support from your local places, or even your family - there are those around who can help. I myself, found solace in an online community that helped me overcome a lot of my depression that therapists couldn't even scratch the surface, let alone touch. I'm still very close with some of the people I met there to this day - who even helped me (and currently still are) through a relapse of addiction that I was fighting long before I met them.

Your support doesn't have to be conventional -though that's not to say I discourage them all together, some can help- but just having support can be one of the most important things (and something you might not even be aware is capable of) you can have in your corner. Try not to block it out or convince yourself that's it's not needed, or useful. You'd be surprised.

My shoutbox is always open if you ever need to talk. I can promise you, I will not do anything against your knowledge or comfort, if that helps you feel at least a little better. I understand that sometimes just knowing someone will listen and is a welcoming outlet can make one feel less alone.

Nevermind edited this post .

Be careful what you post. This site cant be trusted.ยฌ ยฌ Whatever you say here will be reported to the police if it hurts you.ยฌ ยฌ ItDoesn't matter. It's happened to me TWICEover.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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(11 hours after post)
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I see you really do matter:)
Your mom using this to hurt you is her way of trying to control or change the current situation. People do this when the don't understand or are reacting to fear.
Sometimes this behavior happens automatically with them not really realizing it because they're struggling too. Passive aggressive response behavior maybe. If you listen to the tone in her voice you can hear confusion and fear.

There some very connected people that visit this site and I wouldn't be embarrassed little miss that one cared enough to swing a big hammer:)

I've always been confused when a bully kicks a big dog in the assss and then complains when they get bit or (no disrespect intended) someone gets jealous they're not being responded too.

You have received some pretty impressive attention.
You can take this and use it as a positive step to start in a different direction.
Helping and serving is positive only when it doesn't harm us.
Example. Most good Officers and Lawyers come from troubled back grounds. They feel that they can serve through representing and educating within their environment they can influence change because of their skill, experience and knowledge of that particular community group.

In our words, maybe something in the law system would be a good career for you:)

(13 hours after post)
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who's ashley?
called the police for what?
fbi for what?
and what is a interpool?
all is confusing

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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(14 hours after post)
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Someone from help reported Ashley's issues and Interpol contacted FBI who contacted local police.

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last online: 03/19, 3:49
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(16 hours after post)
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danihatesyou wrote:
who's ashley?
called the police for what?
fbi for what?
and what is a interpool?
all is confusing

Kyofu was her username on old Help. Also went by Ash.

Interpol is the European equivalent to our FBI. Someone contacted them regarding Ash's post prior to it being edited. They jumped to a conclusion and basically opened a pandora's box of events that followed.

To THAT person [And I know he/she is following this] you meant well but by doing what you did, made the situation worse not better. The least you can do is make a private apology directly to Rockster160.

(16 hours after post)
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soco wrote:

danihatesyou wrote:
who's ashley?
called the police for what?
fbi for what?
and what is a interpool?
all is confusing

Kyofu was her username on old Help. Also went by Ash.

Interpol is the European equivalent to our FBI. Someone contacted them regarding Ash's post prior to it being edited. They jumped to a conclusion and basically opened a pandora's box of events that followed.

To THAT person [And I know he/she is following this] you meant well but by doing what you did, made the situation worse not better. The least you can do is make a private apology directly to Rockster160.

No apology necessary to me? The OP was the only one affected by this whole thing.

I was in a similar situation many years ago- police were called, they came banging on the door and my mom answered. Very shameful and embarrassing and honestly to this day I feel like it only made matters worse. I believe there are better alternatives.

That said- I understand that if somebody was in a serious situation like that and somebody else wanted to help- there aren't many options. Especially for somebody that isn't nearby.
I believe whoever made the report truly wanted the best for you, @Nevermind. I don't think they need to "come forward" or confess. They did what they did because they were truly concerned for your safety. But things are still okay, and we can help you to get through this together. You've got a huge support system here- that much is clear. I don't post much, as I'm not one with a way with words any more, but I'm always around as well if you'd like to talk- that goes for any and everyone.

Nevermind edited this post .

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