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fcc, battle for the net, net neutrality
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๐•อคอญอฅฬ‡๐•–๐•ฅ๐•šใ€‚(Yeti.) edited this post .

Internet threatened again.ยฌ ยฌยฌ ยฌ Just a PSA, sorry to interrupt.

(1 hour after post)
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How is this even a thing? I don't understand how anybody under any circumstance could think this is a good idea. How has it gotten so far?

(2 hours after post)
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I've been looking into reddit on that matter.. its pretty serious.

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
last online: 03/19, 3:49
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Well 99% of all computer users say it's a bad idea.
100% of the WH cabinet thinks it's a bad idea along with every expresident.

So Trump is going to pass it, because it will make America great again (and he despises anything Obama likes).

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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The Internet Threatened Again.

What does that mean? What's going on?

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last online: 03/19, 3:49
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Internet companies want to charge you more for keeping your speed the same. If you don't pay up the nose they slow you down ON PURPOSE.

(4 hours after post)
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soco wrote:
Internet companies want to charge you more for keeping your speed the same. If you don't pay up the nose they slow you down ON PURPOSE.

Sort of. Itโ€™s actually a movement to make the internet more like your TV. You know how you have a standard plan that gets you a few channels, but if you want Sports- thatโ€™s extra.

Want Social Media? Thatโ€™s an additional package on the basics. Science-based sites? Extra.

Additionally, this also gives them the right to charge SITES extra to be a โ€œfastโ€ site. Sort of like traffic. You drive in the slow lane, but people that pay extra get to drive in a fast lane.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Rockster160 wrote:

soco wrote:
Internet companies want to charge you more for keeping your speed the same. If you don't pay up the nose they slow you down ON PURPOSE.

Sort of. Itโ€™s actually a movement to make the internet more like your TV. You know how you have a standard plan that gets you a few channels, but if you want Sports- thatโ€™s extra.

Want Social Media? Thatโ€™s an additional package on the basics. Science-based sites? Extra.

Additionally, this also gives them the right to charge SITES extra to be a โ€œfastโ€ site. Sort of like traffic. You drive in the slow lane, but people that pay extra get to drive in a fast lane.

Ah, yes.

75971 10152125729463961 180579742 n
(7 hours after post)
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Like most of current GOP policies, it's a money grab. The politicians have been heftily bribed by various corporations and they're going to trash/sell off as much of the country as possible before they lose their majority in both house and senate. If they're lucky, trump will start a war and they can drag it out for who knows how many years before the USA collapses into a third world country.

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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Is this just an american thing? I havent heard about it in UK.

(21 hours after post)
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Nixx wrote:
Is this just an american thing? I havent heard about it in UK.

Yep! It's an old US law that they are trying to remove.

Though the effect would resonate elsewhere with small us based sites, to my understanding.

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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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If there's anything we can do to f**k Comcast in any way, shape, or form, I'm all for it. Their customer service is already a joke but they're the only game in town and they know it. Screw the customer.

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last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Comcast is the only game?
The internet isn't as threaten as much as our ability to speak or get information freely will be. The future will require you to pay to know the everyday real news.

That is what I'm concerned with here - not just paying extra for sites by category, but that they'll get to censor any small / radical / innovative site by ungoverned throttling. The first step.

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last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Ya..I know that and more. I'm just trying to roll with it where I can have a bit of the upper hand. I've seen some of the proposed legislation. Battle of the titans.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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They're already limiting my access and they slow it down if we use too much. That used to be against the law. They raised the bar though and really the only time we ever went over the limit before they raised it, with 5 people in the house, was when my son bought a new gaming system and downloaded a million games in one month.

Yeah Comcast is the only game in that I can't get anywhere near the speed they deliver with anyone else. I'm still pissed I don't get free TV. At least that was free news, not any more.. and newspapers are all folding. Of course they just told you what they wanted you to hear anyway. It's the way of the world. If they can find a way to make you pay through the nose for it they will.

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comcast customer here..... paying 100 bucks for 25mbs and basic useless cable..

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I get a terabyte a month for like $220 and it's pretty fast. I can be on here and Facebook and listen to youtube while my kids are online gaming and my wife is doing whatever she does on the computer..

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last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Here it's a 100 bucks for 4g fibre opt. broadband, tv and home phone. I run three pc's, 3 tv's and 2 tablets , four cells.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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The trend is to go with no land line and only web and cell. The land line is the base that gets me my deals.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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If the Republicans get rid of net neutrality, it will prove that they tilt toward the rich.

It seems that every time they get in power, they do stupid stuff and blow it.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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By the way, I cut the cable. Now about my wife and I watch on TV is Netflix. We have indoor antennas to catch programs on the airwaves, so we can get local news if we want. We had a big cable package and I got sick of all the Allstate, Liberty Mutual and My Pillow commercials! It's axiomatic that the worst companies advertise the most.

I couldn't care less about sports programs--they bore me and I consider them to be a complete waste of time.

In the USA, you can get streaming services and replace just about everything you lost by cutting the cable. Not so much in Canada. I had the VPN known as "Smart Proxy" for a while. Don't get it. That service uses email support--worthless. When you need help, you need it NOW, and you may need someone to guide you through steps. Email support is worthless for that.

At least we finally had my revenge on the cable companies that were making us pay for channels we never watched!

๐•อคอญอฅฬ‡๐•–๐•ฅ๐•šใ€‚(Yeti.) edited this post .

InternetLost threatenedthe againbattle.ยฌ ยฌยฌ ยฌ Just a PSA, sorry to interrupt./

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