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My phone was stolen at DBT.

It was the Samsung galaxy S8+.
Ohhh well. Im also currently on "safety plan". Crisis team. They didn't wanna send me home. I am required to go back tomorrow and do check in calls or whatever.
Im feeling the withdrawal of my phone being gone. I want to tell my best friend about my bullsh*t day but can't.
I don't know. Just checking in I guess.

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Glad you did. Sorry about your phone. How did it get separated from you?

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
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Have you reported it to your service carrier? You need to.

Fb img 1600821388622
(18 minutes after post)
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soco wrote:
Glad you did. Sorry about your phone. How did it get separated from you?

At DBT they require you to shut it off and put it out of your sight. I saw one of the therapists coming to collect everyone for DBT and I shut my phone off right there. And I THOUGHT I put it in my bag but I could have left it on the chair in the waiting room where it was not there when DBT was over. It was not in the DBT room and the front desk did not have anyone turn it in.
I didn't really believe someone would STEAL it. Its locked up like fort knox but the crisis team told me that if someone was gonna turn it in they would have already.
Thats another reason they didnt wanna send me home. Now I havent got a phone so they can reach me or I can be reached.

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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Oh, dear, no! I'm sorry about this. It is terrible how they mishadle these things, can't believe it. Hope it will be found! And you will feel better xx

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Is DBT a group therapy type thing? So if you went enmass to another room it most likely was taken by one of the employees rather than someone in DBT.

Fb img 1600821388622
(39 minutes after post)
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No the other room was the waiting room with alot of people. One guy who always stares at me.

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You think Mr. Stare@you would have taken it?

Happy earth
(1 hour after post)
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Nevermind wrote:
No the other room was the waiting room with alot of people. One guy who always stares at me.

That's creepy. Definitely notify your service provider.

Fb img 1600821388622
(7 hours after post)
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Yeah whoever took it hasnt turned it on yet because my phone location states its last known location was at Health and Human services at 9:11am

The next time it is turned on my phone will delete every thing off it and revert back to factory settings (Due to the fact my moms credit cards, amazon, and my SSN were on there).
But they wont be able to get passed the lock screen which if turned on says that its a lost phone and gives the option only to call one number which is my moms.
also the next time its turned on ill be notified by the location tractor.
If I dont recover it tomorrow mom is probably gonna black list it but im hopefully someone turned it in to the front desk in spite my mom who believe all the drug court people or something would have stolen it. I just have more faith in people. But yes Mr. Stare is really creepy. I once posted a video on youtube to prove to Yeti I wasnt crazy that he definitely stares and watches me when he thinks im not looking at him. But I deleted it. Im not sure if he would have stolen it but he would have noticed with as intensely as he watches me

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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Oh, so still not returned! :( so amazed you have faith in people that they will return it. I'd be like your mom on this one, im afraid. :( but hope that somehow you would get it back!

Wow, what security features these phones have! And did the staff take any action? Was it reported?

And the guy is indeed creepy; similar happened to me. Hug! Hope you are feeling better.

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(13 hours after post)
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OUT of curiosity Nevermind, what are you using to post and reply here? And how are your pets doing?

Nevermind wrote:
[...]But yes Mr. Stare is really creepy. I once posted a video on youtube to prove to Yeti I wasnt crazy that he definitely stares and watches me when he thinks im not looking at him. But I deleted it. Im not sure if he would have stolen it but he would have noticed with as intensely as he watches me

Nope, only a still of sr. shady; it's up there.

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Fb img 1600821388622
(18 hours after post)
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My laptop. Anyway I got my phone back.
It was turned in to health and human services

(18 hours after post)
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Nevermind wrote:
My laptop. Anyway I got my phone back.
It was turned in to health and human services

Guess you were right after all. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Happy earth
(21 hours after post)
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I'm glad you got it back. Most people are decent. The bad ones are just so much louder.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(1 day after post)
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All's well that ends well!

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
last online: 03/19, 3:49
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Amen. Good triumphs over evil once again.
Does this renew your faith in humanity in general? It should.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(3 days after post)
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That's cool you got your phone back like that. Sure didn't take long.

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