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Until tonight I never truly understood how people could be awoken by anxiety...

Though I'm not really anxious about work, because we are two weeks behind schedule my mind won't shut off about it.

I woke up this morning at 1:30am thinking about the signs I need to make up in only a few days if I want to be able to get them out for Canada Day.
It was almost like how when you fall asleep thinking about something and slowly drift off, but in reverse. I just started thinking about it more and more until I was awake.

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I get that way with work as well. If I’m working on a project, I think about it so much that I dream about how to solve the problems and it wakes me up. It’s sort of like the good version though- it’s not an anxiety wake up, but an inspired one, rather. Have had plenty of nights with the anxiety or fear as well.

Do you you’ll be able to finish off the stuff you need? Or is the waking up because you feel like you should be working on them at the time?

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Tonight I think it's because my brain is thinking that I should be working on it... Because that's what I'm doing.

As for whether I'll be able to do it or not... Well... that isn't really in my hands. Making the signs isn't the problem. I've already finished 2 since making this post. And as long as I can get the printed in time no issue on my end.
However, my partner needs to get us the permissions to use the logos of the other companies to be able to move forward with the printing. 😕

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Cast your worries and axieties onto the Lord - Phillippians 4.

I suffer with a chronic anxiety, but for me it is more of a feeling (in my chest) rather than thoughts. Most nights I don't sleep because of it. I am reminded all the time to cast all of my worries onto the Lord as He does not want us to be anxious about anything and to trust Him.. It is not easy to do.

Hope you can get your project finished and trust in the Lord, Padre.

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Welcome to getting older and being an "A" personality:). Time management for the brain is an on going life style. We all need an outlet. For us it's traveling on weekends and planning little adventures. Sleep is over rated anyway. What will be, will be:)

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Next time this happens pick up a book and perhaps a small glass of milk. When you try to dunk the book into the milk, you can safely return to bed.

(3 days after post)
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isnt anxiety just being overly anxious. Hmm? like waiting to open presents on christmas the night before, except this is about a job to do.. aint easy to look forward to working on something lol

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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I think what you are describing is not really anxiety. When I have stuff to do and dream about it I call it night work. Kind of like Rockster described I actually wake up with solutions to problems I haven't been able to solve when I'm awake. We even kid about it at work sometimes. We'll be trying to figure something out without luck and I'll say "this is a night job" and then go home and try to dream about it.

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The brain keeps on working on solving problems even when we are asleep! Many people, while contemplating a problem, will wake up with the solution!

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