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Now that the largest mid term election is over - what's next?

Who will run against Donald Trump, assuming he runs again in 2020?

Feel free to speculate even if you currently live in another country.

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I think despite everything, the way these work is the bigger the name, the easier the win. Hilary has said she's done so if the democrats want to seriously challenge trump they need someone with a name thats just as recognizable. I dont think there is anyone.

They should experiment with what's been working for the republicans and try television personalities. Dress them up in a nice suit and teach them basic phrases and let them go.

We've got 8 years of Trump. Hold on to your butts. No wars or walls yet tho, and the ACA is still law, so he's doing a hell of a lot better than a lot of people thought.

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They have mentioned casually on local news reports that andrew cuomo and kirsten gillebrand "have been mentioned" as possible candidates. Does that mean they'll run? I don't know. Also being that im in new york im sure people in different states hear the same thing about their state politicians.

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I would speculate that there is nothing next. Just more of the same until the dirt starts to cover our casket.
Good luck to the benefactors. Se' la vie.

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I think it’s going to be a mess. You know how last election there were a ridiculous number of candidates for the Republican Party? I see that happening for the Democrats in 2020.

I’ve also heard Elizabeth Warren’s name thrown around.

(12 hours after post)
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i just hope its not some clown, we had one for a reason to see for ourselves how easy it is to have one..

history had its day.. andrew jackson the man on our 20 dolla bill!

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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NaCtHoMaN wrote:
i just hope its not some clown, we had one for a reason to see for ourselves how easy it is to have one..

history had its day.. andrew jackson the man on our 20 dolla bill!

Old Hickory - the man who routed out the bankers and broke them. But, they came back and we granted them a lifetime charter to print our U.S. Currency. Not only is our money a "debt note," but we lost our entire country to them.
People say, "Where did our rights go?" The real truth is, you never had them to begin with. The "new" managers were never "American," and they will never be.

Img 2679
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Christmas is next!

75971 10152125729463961 180579742 n
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I think we're now going to see just how many even bigger lies/outrages the GOP can shove down the collective throats of the US populace before they FINALLY revolt. Sheep they might be, but a big enough stampede will trample ya.
Just an example of an outright lie: the doctored vid of Jim Acosta supposedly 'assaulting' an intern at the whitehouse press conference and the GOP using it to outright slander him and revoke his press privileges.

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Trump is going to be Trump. I don't think he will last another term. But by 2020 I think Donald Jr. and Jared will be facing major jail time and daddy can neither buy them or pardon them out. So he won't even run. Even the Koch brothers will see to that. Hell, all they have to do is throw a couple of ****porn stars at him and expose the video tape and he's gone.
No, I think it might be a Democrat or possibly an Independent that no one has heard of yet. Young. Easy on the eyes. Type A personality. Zero skeletons in the closet. Has served in the military but never saw or sought to be at the front lines. No hint of PTSD, another words. Female? Possibly but only if she's white and have a male on the ticket for VP.

(3 days after post)
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I don't know. All I know is, the mass surveillance programs nobody seemed to be upset about started while republicans were in power. They started things like no free speech zones and oddly enough while a big oil man was president our gas prices were sky high. Oh yeah they were in power when our economy took a ****shit all over our faces too. Have you forgotten the torture allowed that broke our word in agreements made about war when republicans were in power last? I don't understand how republicans can hold onto the reputation of good business and money people when the stupid motherfuckers ran our country into the ground last time they had full control. Did anyone forget about these things? Am I the only one that remembers vividly what it was like leading up to the republican controlled financial meltdowns that led to the country calling for more regulation and oversight management? We voted for democrats to do just that. And they did. Now everyone is pissed off at them for doing what they said they would. I never fully understood politics but I at least used to think I had a grip.

This ****shit is just stupid anymore...

Republican and republican business model ideals have managed not to tank the country as bad as they did last time republicans had power in this country which I'm thankful for. But I know I don't trust those shady bitches at all.

Then again I'm not saying I trust democrats either.

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BIG.AL.ONE wrote:

NaCtHoMaN wrote:
i just hope its not some clown, we had one for a reason to see for ourselves how easy it is to have one..

history had its day.. andrew jackson the man on our 20 dolla bill!

Old Hickory - the man who routed out the bankers and broke them. But, they came back and we granted them a lifetime charter to print our U.S. Currency. Not only is our money a "debt note," but we lost our entire country to them.
People say, "Where did our rights go?" The real truth is, you never had them to begin with. The "new" managers were never "American," and they will never be.

I'm not sure I'm completely following your point but this reply did make me think of a learning course I had to take after filing bankruptcy once.

Inside the course the government admits that your money is your freedom. So logically it makes sense as long as they are able to control the money they are admittedly controlling our freedom.

It was pretty shocking to have it spelled out so bluntly by a course created by and for the government for this particular purpose. I just had to sit there and kinda digest it.

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Now he has control of the Senate I think you will see all these investigations wind down as he can now more easily appoint the people he wants in the key positions to head them.

There appears not to be strong opposition leaders to him .... as long as he dose not try to force through the house to controversial bills and follow up on the ones he already pushed through then he will get re-elected.

Don't forget he only lost about 30 seats in the house.... other presidents at this time lost twice that and went on to get re-elected.

Ps ... I am anti Trump

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sophieshizuko wrote:
Now he has control of the Senate

Republicans have had the senate the whole time Trump has been pres. He doesn't have it now, he's always had it. He had the house too on his republican side.

Investigations are about to intensify not wind down since dems have the house now.

I believe some republicans even support those investigations. And why wouldn't you want to look to see if someone is a traitor unless you're one too? If he has nothing to hide there should be nothing to fear. Unless there is no good reason for the investigation then it'd just be wrong but clearly I think there is.

If Trump was getting anything else done it would have been while he had republicans in power over the senate and house. Much like Obama should have pushed harder for his agenda when he had the house and senate.

What this is, is a president losing confidence in him/herself.

If they really knew what they were doing they'd get things done when they have the chance but they get scared and don't. "Well if I do that now it might piss off these guys over here...I should wait till second term and go for it then. I really want to see it done but if I piss off someone I might not get the vote again. Even though I am losing half my power to organize and coordinate with like minded people in the midterms, I'll wait. All because I'm scared."

Or, maybe it's the losses in the midterms itself that cracks a presidents confidence. The feeling of losing support for your ideas.

Whatever the cause I think it boils down to self confidence.

Unless there's some real reason they just don't agree together but that hasn't been the case I don't think a lot of the time.

75971 10152125729463961 180579742 n
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The plan now is to flood the courts with Republican judges; can't do time if the judge won't convict you.

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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Trumps ego is so big I dont think he can lose confidence!

I would love to see Michelle Obama run, I think shes amazing. But for the love of God dont elect another 'famous' person with no brain cells. Might as well have a Kardashian president!

75971 10152125729463961 180579742 n
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Michelle Obama, though she might make for a good president, would mobilize the far right to an extent never before seen; a w-w-wu-WUMMAN an she's b-b-b-BLACK! Circle the wagons folks cuz she's gonna eat our BABIES and have them SATANIC devil worshippin FEMINISTIC rites in the WHITEHOUSE!

Happy earth
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I'd vote for Biden if he's willing to run.

Trump has lasted much longer than I expected. I wouldn't rule out him running for reelection, though when he was first elected I guessed he would resign within a year. I suppose it's too late for the big baby to grow up. Hopefully his staff are able to keep him under control.

75971 10152125729463961 180579742 n
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The only reason he's lasted is because the GOP/religious right kept him in. The GOP is out for as much as they can grab before their house of cards collapses. Once he's no longer useful, and their voting base starts to shrink, he's out like yesterday's garbage. Then they'll try to ride it out with Pence, counting on the notoriously short memories of the populace.
Alternately, he/they might go for an out n out power grab, but that's a dicey proposition. Whatever happens, Putin profits, since the USA has lost near all of its credibility on the international stage.. along with markets.

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All you need is to look at his narcissistic behaviour this past week in France. He was hoping to see a huge military parade. Macron knew this and decided to disappoint little Trumplethinskin.

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Anonymous wrote:

sophieshizuko wrote:
Now he has control of the Senate

Republicans have had the senate the whole time Trump has been pres. He doesn't have it now, he's always had it. He had the house too on his republican side.

Investigations are about to intensify not wind down since dems have the house now.

I believe some republicans even support those investigations. And why wouldn't you want to look to see if someone is a traitor unless you're one too? If he has nothing to hide there should be nothing to fear. Unless there is no good reason for the investigation then it'd just be wrong but clearly I think there is.

If Trump was getting anything else done it would have been while he had republicans in power over the senate and house. Much like Obama should have pushed harder for his agenda when he had the house and senate.

What this is, is a president losing confidence in him/herself.

If they really knew what they were doing they'd get things done when they have the chance but they get scared and don't. "Well if I do that now it might piss off these guys over here...I should wait till second term and go for it then. I really want to see it done but if I piss off someone I might not get the vote again. Even though I am losing half my power to organize and coordinate with like minded people in the midterms, I'll wait. All because I'm scared."

Or, maybe it's the losses in the midterms itself that cracks a presidents confidence. The feeling of losing support for your ideas.

Whatever the cause I think it boils down to self confidence.

Unless there's some real reason they just don't agree together but that hasn't been the case I don't think a lot of the time.

Republicans had control of the Senate before Trump was elected. That's why Obama's last judicial pick never went to the floor for a vote. Just a bunch of pissed off Republicans that wanted a fully pulpit.

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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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What's next is that the Donald will continue his plan to make America great again. Now that the Dumbocrats have control of the House of Representatives they will stonewall this plan at every turn. Notice that the government is now shut down because the left wing refuses to fund a wall on our southern border. Expect more of the same for another two years... same as it always was.

And that "hero" Andrew Jackson was in at least 5 duels and some people say close to 100. He shot and killed a man in one after his gun didn't fire, which was a breech of etiquette, according to dueling experts. They were both to take one shot and Jackson was hit in the chest but his gun didn't fire. So he re-cocked it and killed the man. The duel was because the other man had accused him of cheating in a horse race bet.

He was also a General that massacred thousands of native American Indians firsthand. Then the year after he became president he signed the Indian Removal Act which basically was an ethnic cleansing of America... good ole Tennessee boy he was. I live about 20 minutes from his farm which is a National Historic Landmark and tourist trap, errr I mean museum.

Here's a link to an indigenous people's news blog that calls Andrew "Old Hickory" Jackson the worst president ever...

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Trump will not get one wooden nickle for a wall. Government will reopen when enough Republicans realize how stupid and narcissistic their leader is being. If Mitch does not come around he may lose being the Senate majority leader before the end of July.

Happy earth
(2 months after post)
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soco wrote:
Trump will not get one wooden nickle for a wall. Government will reopen when enough Republicans realize how stupid and narcissistic their leader is being. If Mitch does not come around he may lose being the Senate majority leader before the end of July.

I hope that's the way it goes.

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