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OS upgrade

im still using windows vista.. should i upgrade to windows 10.. i hate everything about it..( i use it at work ) just like.. when everyone hated everything about vista, but with me i could tweak it back to the classic mode.. windows 10 it feels very locked up or something as if i have no way to modify it to my liking.

the down side is.. i cant use any of the software.. blizzard wont work, chrome is out of support.. wth..

get with the times no?

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work, times, windows, upgrade, vista
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Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(8 minutes after post)
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Yeah, Vista is just obsolete. Probably the newer programs won't work with it, and Microsoft will stop supporting it if it hasn't stopped already.

The only problem you might have is whether or not your computer is up to the processor and memory demands of Windows 10.

Recommend you just get a new computer already loaded with Windows 10!

(15 minutes after post)
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Totally agree with you. I hate everything from Vista on.
Had my Desktop on XP for the longest time until one day I got on to find that they took control of my computer and did a force update. Wasn’t too stoked about that.

... That was pretty much the end of me being a Windows user. Slowly switched to a Mac and now there is no chance I’m going back. I’ve put an effort into using Windows, I’ve had to help people that use Windows so have learned how it works.... Still hate it. They’re progressing more and more into a touch screen focused experience and removing more and more customizations. It’s bad. =\

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(56 minutes after post)
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I would have also switched to Apple except for glued in batteries, glued in memory chips and glued in hard drives.

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Win 10 is 'okay' as long as telemetry is turned off and that shitty Cortana. O&O Shutup10 is what I use https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10

(1 hour after post)
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Sherlock wrote:
I would have also switched to Apple except for glued in batteries, glued in memory chips and glued in hard drives.

Agreed. That's definitely a shame.

I try to get the better models to start, so upgrades aren't necessary, but to be honest, I've never had to buy one myself. 😅

That's the other issue with Apple- the price point is pretty significantly higher.
Given- the quality is higher too, but still.

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(7 hours after post)
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"Microsoft will end "Mainstream Support" for Windows Vista, moving into an "Extended Support" phase that lasts through April 11, 2017. Microsoft will no longer offer of no-charge incident support, warranty claims and design fixes for the 5-year-old operating system."

PC Magazine.

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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(9 hours after post)
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A pad and a phone seems to be the new norm.

(9 hours after post)
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Had xp at work and home till ~2yrs ago (hardware failure). Experienced each windows above it since.
Methinks you should look into the various features & faults in each os - it's kind of an individual choice based on your needs & expectations. You may find you're missing out by sticking to vista.
From my perspective,
7 fairly elegant, relatively simple to adjust to the old feel whilst improving some tasks.
8 changed a buncha stuff and panned hard for it, but after a bit of a learning curve it was a bit faster to rid of old habits, moreover further improved under the hood functionality.
10 more or less combines the elegance & utility of these two, however introduced vexing ads & their apps (takes time to obtain alternatives), telemetry which is practically impossible to disable completely (there's a growing list of requests one must block, some mistakes breaking 'innocent' features), and constant upgrades which cut both ways - kinda heavy, take a while to install, obtrusive, largely benign in terms of learning curve.

If you haven't switched hardware in several years, I agree with sherlock it's a priority.
If your uses partake in the race for heavy duty graphics or grueling work, os expiration might be less significant so you can choose the one most suitable for your preferences; however, if you've no intention to move to mac or one of the open source systems, and prefer to plan for the long term, might be necessary to bite the bullet on 10.

Help me with:


last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(14 hours after post)
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I have a HP Slimline with windows 7 (Home delux). I like it. Had it for years. Spent a lot of time with tweaks, plus many programs that just aren't compatible (or replacible) with the newer formats.
It has never been on the information highway and it never will and for good reason.

Max2 wrote:
A pad and a phone seems to be the new norm.

That's right. Using my Android right now and if I want to upload/download from my phone, I can. I can also retrieve anything I collect with my computer by plugging in the phone.
It seems there's more labor but I not giving up my W7m. Once you up....ain't no going back.
The joy of computing is about done. Ease is finished. Reliance on the system is a must and the cost is always too high.
Once you soak an investment and begin the climb, they make a new mountain and crumble what you're sitting on. It's dirty, filthy and rotten. It's tech waste, these companies don't even make the most of their own developments.

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(14 hours after post)
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Vista is the worst operating system Microsoft had .... I find after doing many tests that Windows 10 is the best by a long way

But is not compatible with older equipment.

(21 hours after post)
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No. Upgrade to Windows 7 instead.

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“Vista means death!”


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