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Would you rather be intelligent and live a lifetime being poor or be not that academic and be wealthy for life?

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life, poor, lifetime, academic, wealthy
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Would you rather be intelligent and live a lifetime being poor or be not that academic and be wealthy for life?

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(5 minutes after post)
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Knowledge is the greatest treasure.

Knowledge becomes part of your soul, your spirit.

Wealth cannot be brought into the next life.

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Rich and stupid.

Intelligence never got me anywhere

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Everything is a matter of circumstance....
You can be dumb and poor.
You can be dumb and rich.
You can be smart and poor.
You can be smart and rich.
What are you relying on for your wealth? Thinking smarter or working harder?
Usually, your labor is tandium to your wealth.
Most of the time.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(36 minutes after post)
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I want rich and stupid too, I've already done the smart and poor thing.

Actually Sherlock is probably right. I don't think I'd have this feeling of great self worth if I had average intelligence. My ego alone is worth millions... ha!

And really I'm not poor but I'm a long way from rich. I raised 5 children and had a stay at home wife so we weren't exactly rolling in money, though. And my parents went on month long extravagant vacations to Paris, London, Ireland, Spain, Hawaii, Bahama's, Jamaica, etc... you name it they went there and partied so I kind of feel poor. Of course I got taken along on those vacations when I was a child so I experienced it. And I can't say I've been really poor, I sure never went without food or a roof over my head. I did ride a bus for a couple of months one time, that was really slumming it.

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I'm pretty smart and couldn't be more skint.

Give me wealth and stupidity.

There's enough stupid skint people around that seem happy.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(45 minutes after post)
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Ignorance is bliss. Of course some smart person said that.

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With the extra money i make being stupid i would get all the books my heart desires. I would self educate myself and take cutting edge nootropics. Nootropics are smart drugs. But i guess if i was stupid i may not think in those terms. But money is happiness because it gives you the freedom to do whatever you want

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id be rich and stupid, as much as i love my intelligence you can still be dumb and know how to enjoy yourself and do things with your life. and if you have the funds to do it then atleast youd be having fun. also ignorance is bliss alot of the time so less you know less you worry.

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Big-Al-One wrote:
Everything is a matter of circumstance....
You can be dumb and poor.
You can be dumb and rich.
You can be smart and poor.
You can be smart and rich.
What are you relying on for your wealth? Thinking smarter or working harder?
Usually, your labor is tandium to your wealth.
Most of the time.

I work way too hard to be this poor!!

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Rich. No question about it.

I finished HS at age 13 and had 2 A.S. degrees by 16.
Currently unemployed.

So yeah... Rich, hands down.

(3 hours after post)
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Sherlock wrote:
Knowledge is the greatest treasure.

Knowledge becomes part of your soul, your spirit.

Wealth cannot be brought into the next life.

"Knowledge becomes part of your soul, your spirit." - Well depends how you choose to use it. You could use it to do negative or positive things.

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Silverset wrote:

Sherlock wrote:
Knowledge is the greatest treasure.

Knowledge becomes part of your soul, your spirit.

Wealth cannot be brought into the next life.

"Knowledge becomes part of your soul, your spirit." - Well depends how you choose to use it. You could use it to do negative or positive things.

Think about this:
Every single man-made invention has been weaponized. Bar none.

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Sometimes I really over think things. Not sometimes. All the time. I have advanced degrees and have been able to use my intelligence for many things. I've created things, used it to "move ahead," and used it to help raise my kids in a smart way... making me a really good mom (heart plus smarts).

But as I said, I overthink things. I'm unable to put my analytical self aside and just have fun! I worked 3 jobs all through my 20's and used the money wisely (house, invested). Yet today, I find myself counting pennies...

So dumb and rich all the way. I would love to have FUN

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I was also homeless and hungry for a couple stints in my life. Being that poor sucks. Though I got through it, it has always been a fear.

1. The thought of homeless with kids is terrifying

2. The thought of being homeless as an older person is also terrifying

Billy mills
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I'd rather be not that academic and wealthy for life. You can be intelligent without being academic. I don't think Einstein was too academic.

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I find questions like this difficult to answer without clarification: HOW "not academic", HOW rich, HOW poor? I also assume that the poor+smart choice leaves you at your current intellect?

I value intellect much more than I value money.

However, I value family more than I value intellect. If I don't have the ability to provide for my family, at least to the point of making it by (Food on the table, shelter over their heads, etc) then I would sacrifice my intellect in order to give them comfortable lives without question.

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Rockster160 wrote:
I find questions like this difficult to answer without clarification: HOW "not academic", HOW rich, HOW poor? I also assume that the poor+smart choice leaves you at your current intellect?

I value intellect much more than I value money.

However, I value family more than I value intellect. If I don't have the ability to provide for my family, at least to the point of making it by (Food on the table, shelter over their heads, etc) then I would sacrifice my intellect in order to give them comfortable lives without question.

^^^^^^ This^^^^^^^

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I would like to think that if I was wealthy, I would be able to afford the best tutors and instructors in the world. I would learn to play the piano, guitar, violin. I could have personal art instructors to teach me techniques I don't know and I could travel the world to see the different arts and cultures I could never know in my home.

But hopefully if I was smart and poor, I would be intelligent enough to make a decent living and be comfortable.

Either way has it's ups and downs. Depending on how important intelligence or materials are to you. Being intelligent doesn't equal being happy. And there's so many levels of intelligence.

Right now, I feel as if I'm pretty dumb and poor. So either way I would be happy!

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Years ago I chose smart & poor (near 32 yrs a rubbertramp now), and don't regret doing so.

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I think having intelligence better equips you to figure out what makes you happy and make it happen than having wealth does, so I guess I'd pick that. :)

20171211 231547
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"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know." Ernest Hemingway

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Intelligent and poor. I've been stupid and poor (thankfully, I got wise) and it brought me nothing but pain, and a lifetime battle of staying clean from addiction.

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Piphanson wrote:
"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know." Ernest Hemingway

I used to think that, but I've since come to the conclusion that that's bullshit spouted by clueless arrogant people in the habit of making excuses to stay miserable.

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Stupid and rich = the trumps, lol (no offence to those who like him?)
I'm poor and I guess not stupid, and yes I'd love to have money but not if I must sacrifice everything I know for something less, I've just come too far to do that. I'll probably never get the things I desire out of life, but if I were stupid and rich, I'd not have the same desires anyway, since I wouldn't have walked the same path - I wouldn't even be the same person, just some lesser version.

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I wouldnt give 2 dungheaps .. long as i know i am living and lived a life I wanted to live in.

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Happiness in intelligent happens when a spiritual awakening moves beyond the mind .

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You only get happiness when you accept who you are ..... Don't judge yourself to be itelegent or rich ... when you accept you for what you are then you stand a chance if being both.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Really compared to how most people lived 1,000 years ago or even just a couple of hundred years ago we are all rich. Not too many people don't have heat and air conditioning and food. It used to be a constant struggle just to feed yourself and keep warm.

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DocteurRalph wrote:
Really compared to how most people lived 1,000 years ago or even just a couple of hundred years ago we are all rich. Not too many people don't have heat and air conditioning and food. It used to be a constant struggle just to feed yourself and keep warm.

Very good point

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